外商徵Cross Platform Gaming Engineer - 工程師

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-04-12T17:48

Table of Contents

Robert Walters 代外商徵Cross Platform Gaming Engineer


Cross Platform Gaming Engineer

Position Overview:

The Cross Platform Gaming Engineer position is responsible for building games across a number of different technology platforms and devices. The role requires skills in Actionscript 3, Unity 3D and Objective-C for IOS. The candidate must be both creative and productive to thrive in our fast-paced studio environment and enjoy the challenge of designing new technical approaches across multiple platforms. Developing cross-platform games in short production cycles is both challenging and highly rewarding.
Researching new approaches to solving leading edge problems in code frameworks, algorithms and cross platform compatibility provide opportunities for innovation and learning

1. Integrate mathematical models created by our mathematicians with game designs created by our creative art and animation teams, within our company’s Memory and CPU hardware limitations.
2. Architect and deliver interactive, animated multi-media games
3. Research and devise procedures for conversion of pre-existing games to new platforms
4. Research and design approaches for multi-platform development
5. Contribute to creation of coding frameworks
6. Research and develop optimization techniques for memory usage in mobile devices


1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering or a related field
2. A minimum of 1 year of professional experience in the games business or 3 years experience developing games in any environment.
3. Solid working knowledge of a variety of scripting languages
4. Solid working knowledge of object oriented programming and object oriented design methodology
5. Experience in developing robust applications in Actionscript 3 using Adobe Flash IDE
6. Experienced at prototyping, UI design, writing, and other game design elements
7. Possess strong knowledge of data structures, logic, and algorithms
8. Possess knowledge of statistical methods and data analytics
9. The ideal candidate will have strong OOP experience and a solid understanding of coding frameworks
10.Proven problem solving skills for designing algorithms and optimizing memory utilization
11.Experience in internet based communication protocols and XML Self-motivated and diligent, with good habits for tracking one’s own tasks, seeking out answers when needed, and actively participating in the entire production effort.
12.Experience in diverse mobile applications and the constraints of bandwidth or processor will be considered a plus
13.Personality to handle responsibility, collaborate and excel in team environment
14.Experience in other scripting languages (Javascript, Perl, Python, PHP) is a plus
15.Experience with HAXE or other similar frameworks is a plus
16.Exposure to other object-oriented programming languages (C++, C# and/or Java) is a plus
17.Strong written and verbal communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese

Note: A technical test will be conducted as part of the hiring process.

【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00


Monthly salary: 100K-200K, Above market (subject to candidacy)


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


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