外商徵IT Business Patner - 工程師

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2016-04-11T07:15

Table of Contents

Robert Walters 代外商徵IT Business Partner

IT Business Partner

-Profound orientation towards the expectations of internal and external customers, which you also help your staff to understand and embrace.
-Willingness to help BP team realize the opportunities to be gathered from working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures in a new IT technology or global context.
-Appreciation of BP team’s ideas and points of view in the pursuit of innovation throughout all processes.
-Disposition to help BP team achieve challenging goals to increase constantly overall performance, not least through clear, result-oriented feedback.
-Responsibility for the improvement of all services, processes and working routines within BP role realm.
-Good communication skill and IT knowledge; Ability to discuss key business issues at multiple levels.
-Proactively building and maintaining a stable, constructive relationship with the key customers.
-Strong working knowledge of business case development or business enable
-Extensive work experience in IT and management role.

-Graduate degree (or equivalent) in IT
-Senior knowledge and experience of min. 5 years in application consulting and beyond combined with at least 3 years' experience managing medium scale business IT projects
-Good technical knowledge, with business application developer and analysis background
-Good soft skills and quick learning skills with the experience from B2B business industry
-Good at Python, Hadoop language in data analytic area would be a plus
-At least 1 year new IT technology implementation experiences in cloud or mobile platform
-Fluent spoken and written English


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00


Monthly package: 80K-110K


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


All Comments


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-04-11T00:49
我記得徵信器材中,有一種眼鏡有錄影及照相的功能, source code就解決啦, 所以粗框眼鏡要小心防範了~XD 至於Google查資料就簡單了, 找台NB或平�� ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-04-11T00:26
請問各位大大 代朋友詢問 因朋友最近須抉擇要去哪一間公司 其中一家是中華電信(在中正紀念堂對面) 聽說中華電信在附近有員工宿舍 好像可以抽籤的� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2016-04-10T22:44
http://goo.gl/wDt3Sa 日經民調:6成日人說不買新夏普 2016-04-09 03:08 聯合報 東京記者雷光涵/八日電 「日本經濟新聞」八日公布網路民調,百分之五十四�� ...

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-04-10T21:57
http://money.udn.com/money/story/8888/1617854 2016-04-10 00:01:02 經濟日報 記者吳馥馨/台北報導 騰訊公司董事長 馬化騰 本報系資料庫 http://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2016/04/09 ...

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