外商新尼杰特(Continental)徵PM - 工程師

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-06-06T22:23

Table of Contents


SYNERJECT Taiwan is a subsidiary of Continental Corporation,
providing engine management systems and components to worldwide
non-automotive OEM's. We want to strengthen the PM team and sustain
our growth in Taiwan / Asia.


Your mission is to lead projects as an entrepreneur, aiming at
meeting cost, quality and time targets. You are the customer’s
project representative towards Continental project team and management
and Continental's external project representation towards the customers,
suppliers and partners.

* You are responsible to plan & execute application projects related to
engine management products / systems for scooters, motorcycles or ATV’s.

* Your experience and solid technical knowledge enable you to coordinate
with project teams at several Continental locations. You formalize the
main tasks and ensure regular coordination and supervision of tasks
executions of multiple functions to achieve project goals
(system architecture & integration, software, electrics & electronics,
mechanics, engine calibration, supplier management, industrialization etc.).

* You are in charge of time, resource and budget planning ( using Sciforma
+ Excel) for your projects, including monthly control and updates.

* You manage project risks, changes and deviations / issues.

* You ensure customer satisfaction and maintain close contact with existing
customers to understand their needs and identify new projects potentials.

* You prepare and submit proposals and quotations for new projects
identified or response to the customers' request to quote.

* During business acquisition phases, in coordination with
Continental technical team, you assist customers in making product
selections, based on their needs, product specifications and applicable
regulations. You coordinate the creation of technical attachments, with
the support of engineering, finance, operations, purchasing and quality

* You establish sales forecast of your projects and participate in
business development strategic planning to ensure the sale and
profitability of Continental products


Education level:
Bachelor in engineering or similar level of education/experience

More than 5 years in the automotive or similar industry
– at least one proven experience as Project Manager.

Knowledge / Skills:
* Leadership, result and quality orientation, strong customer focus
* Solid technical knowledge, especially. engine management systems / EFI
* Project management procedures, automotive development processes
* Basic understanding of sales & marketing, logistics,purchasing,
manufacturing, quality control, engineering and finance.
* High autonomy, international teamwork and communication, networking

Languages: fluent, able to negotiate in Mandarin & English







Please send your resume to Edith Hsu via email

[email protected]


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科技創業基地開幕 科技部:鏈結全球

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2018-06-06T20:39
http://www.ntdtv.com.tw/b5/20180605/video/222934.html 科技創業基地開幕 科技部:鏈結全球 【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 06 月 05 日訊】科技創業基地 在台北小巨蛋正式開幕,重點 放在 AI、軟體等科技領域,預計每年至少培育 100 隊以上新創團隊,國際級頂尖加速器 也來台進駐,科技部部長陳良基表示,科技創業基地作為一個平台,將協助台灣 ...

mitigation plan and contingency plan

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2018-06-06T20:19
請問這2者間的差異 ? 有高手能否以白話及例子舉例出來 google的英文說明其實蠻抽象的以及各說各話 想請教這科技業高手PM的意見 會問這個是因為很多公司對於risk的處理 全部都 歸類成mitigation plan了 但我覺得這個不太對 想說或許在科技版能夠聽到不同的聲音 感謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N950F. - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-06-06T20:18
今年還沒有人分享,小魯弟就起個頭 台中大瘋廠,職等30,坐年資1年多 Q1譏笑獎金12K 調薪10%,這是跟神教合併大利多嗎? - ...

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Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-06-06T18:57
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台北 網路管理工程師

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-06-06T18:31
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