寫給外國廠商的信 - 國貿工作討論

By Tom
at 2009-09-20T20:14
at 2009-09-20T20:14
Table of Contents
※ 引述《suyoki (suyoki)》之銘言:
: 公司最近想要改變付款方式
: 老板要我在T/T這筆訂單的錢以後
: 順便跟國外談是否以後可以將付款方式改成L/C
: 這樣一來國外可以盡快拿到貨款
: 而我們公司也可以六個月後再付剩下的錢
: 希望可以幫我看一下 謝謝:))
: Dear XXXX,
: Please find the T/T receipt in the attachment.
: We are really sorry for the late payment.(已經拖了半年,貨都進來賣光了 哈哈)
: Both of us don't want this happen again, so we want to know is there any possible
: to use LC for the next order.
: Using LC can make you get the money soon from bank also our company can pay the
: rest 80% of money 6 months later that could makes us using our found more
: flexible.
: Please kindly comfirm us soon because we may place new order in the near
: future.
: Best regards,
信本身問題很多 不需要解釋L/C對己方的好處 很多英文細節也不正確
並且不要用很多空泛的承諾 及較不強硬的語氣來寫
因為貨款延了半年 目前是理虧之下又不是馬上要下單
最強硬我曾說過 "幾天內如果貴司沒有明確的拒絕 我就當yes" ~看情況啦
Attached pls find the T/T receipt, and we're sorry for the inconveience
caused by the delay.
To avoid that happen again and to facilitate the cash flow, I propose
amending the terms of payment from T/T to L/C from next order.
Would you pls consider it carefully and let me know
if any conclusion is reached. Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
: 公司最近想要改變付款方式
: 老板要我在T/T這筆訂單的錢以後
: 順便跟國外談是否以後可以將付款方式改成L/C
: 這樣一來國外可以盡快拿到貨款
: 而我們公司也可以六個月後再付剩下的錢
: 希望可以幫我看一下 謝謝:))
: Dear XXXX,
: Please find the T/T receipt in the attachment.
: We are really sorry for the late payment.(已經拖了半年,貨都進來賣光了 哈哈)
: Both of us don't want this happen again, so we want to know is there any possible
: to use LC for the next order.
: Using LC can make you get the money soon from bank also our company can pay the
: rest 80% of money 6 months later that could makes us using our found more
: flexible.
: Please kindly comfirm us soon because we may place new order in the near
: future.
: Best regards,
信本身問題很多 不需要解釋L/C對己方的好處 很多英文細節也不正確
並且不要用很多空泛的承諾 及較不強硬的語氣來寫
因為貨款延了半年 目前是理虧之下又不是馬上要下單
最強硬我曾說過 "幾天內如果貴司沒有明確的拒絕 我就當yes" ~看情況啦
Attached pls find the T/T receipt, and we're sorry for the inconveience
caused by the delay.
To avoid that happen again and to facilitate the cash flow, I propose
amending the terms of payment from T/T to L/C from next order.
Would you pls consider it carefully and let me know
if any conclusion is reached. Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
All Comments

By Ina
at 2009-09-21T13:24
at 2009-09-21T13:24

By Ingrid
at 2009-09-22T06:35
at 2009-09-22T06:35

By Carol
at 2009-09-22T23:46
at 2009-09-22T23:46

By Zora
at 2009-09-23T16:56
at 2009-09-23T16:56

By Brianna
at 2009-09-24T10:07
at 2009-09-24T10:07

By Freda
at 2009-09-25T03:17
at 2009-09-25T03:17
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