幫忙分析一個案例 有關California residency - 美國

By Ursula
at 2009-05-05T20:12
at 2009-05-05T20:12
Table of Contents
從美國2004年起,我在加州以F1 Visa居留
今年為2009,也就是第六年。期間一直為 Continuing Student
Petition for Classification of Resident Status.
聽有經驗的人說,只要我在加州住超過第五年,那麼我就機會file CA residency.
3.Currently Undergraduate, applying Master degree & job hunting
(轉了三次專業,真是不好意思阿,真是坎坷,終於要畢業了 :S)
我們學校的 International officer & counselor 說實話有點 lame
1. 我今年4/9 email 去問 counselor,他展鐵釘釘的跟我說
"If you are an international student under an F1 visa you do not
quality for the petition for reclassification." ' 當時我學校很忙,
後來我上網看到有經驗的人跟我說我是resident. 我當下很疑惑,所以馬上去
學校的 international office.
2. 就兩個禮拜前,我找到學校 international officer, 也就是總負責人
問她我qualify CA residency 否? 她竟然跟我說 "That's only for phD students.
Only phD students who live in California for more than 5 years are
qualified." 我問她"What about undergrads and masters?" 她竟然跟我說
"They are not able to get residency."
"But I heard from an experienced Taiwanese that I'm qualified as CA
resident already."
"hm...shouldn't be, but I'm not sure."
我已經快暈了。。什麼叫not sure? 不然我們找international officer 問幹嘛?
她是人很好很nice, 但感覺辦事有點 lame, 說話不清不楚的,可能是新手不熟吧?
這種情況已經好幾次了! :S 真是不知該說什麼。我只能說我學到教訓就是事情要
自己弄清楚,別人都不可靠! 有的人講得資訊和話還是不負責任的!最後出皮肉還
我只好上網來問,希望有經驗的好心人士幫我解答! 謝謝 :D
我已經把整個reclassification file都詳細讀過一遍了,發覺我還是符合candidate
資格,可以去申請看看。請問還有什麼要注意的嗎? 唉,是不是因為這樣一耽誤,已
經錯過deadline了? 我現在要趁暑假趕快弄個SSN嗎? 這對我很重要,因為學費可能可
還是台灣同胞最溫暖了 ^.^ 感謝幫忙
今年為2009,也就是第六年。期間一直為 Continuing Student
Petition for Classification of Resident Status.
聽有經驗的人說,只要我在加州住超過第五年,那麼我就機會file CA residency.
3.Currently Undergraduate, applying Master degree & job hunting
(轉了三次專業,真是不好意思阿,真是坎坷,終於要畢業了 :S)
我們學校的 International officer & counselor 說實話有點 lame
1. 我今年4/9 email 去問 counselor,他展鐵釘釘的跟我說
"If you are an international student under an F1 visa you do not
quality for the petition for reclassification." ' 當時我學校很忙,
後來我上網看到有經驗的人跟我說我是resident. 我當下很疑惑,所以馬上去
學校的 international office.
2. 就兩個禮拜前,我找到學校 international officer, 也就是總負責人
問她我qualify CA residency 否? 她竟然跟我說 "That's only for phD students.
Only phD students who live in California for more than 5 years are
qualified." 我問她"What about undergrads and masters?" 她竟然跟我說
"They are not able to get residency."
"But I heard from an experienced Taiwanese that I'm qualified as CA
resident already."
"hm...shouldn't be, but I'm not sure."
我已經快暈了。。什麼叫not sure? 不然我們找international officer 問幹嘛?
她是人很好很nice, 但感覺辦事有點 lame, 說話不清不楚的,可能是新手不熟吧?
這種情況已經好幾次了! :S 真是不知該說什麼。我只能說我學到教訓就是事情要
自己弄清楚,別人都不可靠! 有的人講得資訊和話還是不負責任的!最後出皮肉還
我只好上網來問,希望有經驗的好心人士幫我解答! 謝謝 :D
我已經把整個reclassification file都詳細讀過一遍了,發覺我還是符合candidate
資格,可以去申請看看。請問還有什麼要注意的嗎? 唉,是不是因為這樣一耽誤,已
經錯過deadline了? 我現在要趁暑假趕快弄個SSN嗎? 這對我很重要,因為學費可能可
還是台灣同胞最溫暖了 ^.^ 感謝幫忙
All Comments

By Jake
at 2009-05-09T14:09
at 2009-05-09T14:09

By John
at 2009-05-12T04:49
at 2009-05-12T04:49

By Brianna
at 2009-05-15T22:52
at 2009-05-15T22:52

By Noah
at 2009-05-20T04:04
at 2009-05-20T04:04

By Emily
at 2009-05-21T02:50
at 2009-05-21T02:50

By Elma
at 2009-05-22T17:01
at 2009-05-22T17:01

By Frederic
at 2009-05-23T17:11
at 2009-05-23T17:11

By Gilbert
at 2009-05-26T15:04
at 2009-05-26T15:04

By Regina
at 2009-05-27T13:24
at 2009-05-27T13:24

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-05-29T10:19
at 2009-05-29T10:19

By Aaliyah
at 2009-05-31T09:11
at 2009-05-31T09:11

By Joseph
at 2009-06-02T15:17
at 2009-06-02T15:17

By Yuri
at 2009-06-07T05:49
at 2009-06-07T05:49

By Adele
at 2009-06-08T09:03
at 2009-06-08T09:03

By Isla
at 2009-06-13T05:10
at 2009-06-13T05:10

By Megan
at 2009-06-17T23:41
at 2009-06-17T23:41

By William
at 2009-06-22T17:39
at 2009-06-22T17:39

By Yuri
at 2009-06-25T16:04
at 2009-06-25T16:04

By Kristin
at 2009-06-29T03:41
at 2009-06-29T03:41

By Elizabeth
at 2009-07-01T10:44
at 2009-07-01T10:44

By Agnes
at 2009-07-03T01:37
at 2009-07-03T01:37

By Candice
at 2009-07-04T15:44
at 2009-07-04T15:44

By Damian
at 2009-07-05T04:39
at 2009-07-05T04:39

By Zenobia
at 2009-07-05T20:59
at 2009-07-05T20:59

By Agnes
at 2009-07-07T17:42
at 2009-07-07T17:42

By Vanessa
at 2009-07-11T23:19
at 2009-07-11T23:19

By Agatha
at 2009-07-13T04:33
at 2009-07-13T04:33

By Rosalind
at 2009-07-13T08:10
at 2009-07-13T08:10

By Irma
at 2009-07-14T14:22
at 2009-07-14T14:22

By Leila
at 2009-07-16T03:11
at 2009-07-16T03:11

By Carol
at 2009-07-16T04:55
at 2009-07-16T04:55

By Hazel
at 2009-07-19T01:17
at 2009-07-19T01:17

By Olivia
at 2009-07-21T00:41
at 2009-07-21T00:41

By Olivia
at 2009-07-23T03:15
at 2009-07-23T03:15

By Rachel
at 2009-07-26T16:03
at 2009-07-26T16:03

By Robert
at 2009-07-30T09:06
at 2009-07-30T09:06

By Poppy
at 2009-07-31T21:07
at 2009-07-31T21:07
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