廣交會有感 - 大陸工作

By Lauren
at 2009-10-25T02:52
at 2009-10-25T02:52
Table of Contents
大家好阿, 半夜睡不著就來PO個心得文.
小弟我禮拜五去廣交會看展覽. 以前聽叔叔伯伯們說, 阿廣交會都是些便宜東西,
品質很差的, 如果他們這麼便宜, 老美早就跟他們買了, 一定有問題的啦,
可是...昨天去看, 給我的感覺不是這樣耶
做鏡子的OL sales rep.: Hi, may I hlpe you?
小弟回答:Yes, I am on behalf of our US buyer to source some interesting
products, could you give me your cataloge?
OL: May i have your business card first? Our products are very high end and
exclusive to our customer. Just make sure you are not our competitor.
小弟: oh, ok. (遞名片)
OL: thank you. OK, Well, our price is based on FOB Qingdao, and must be a full
container. You can mix up with different models, but each model has to be meet
小弟:alright, (很跩喔) and your price range is from?
OL: our price is from USD23~60, it depends on the size.
小弟: Oh, that's expensive. Do you have any much inexpensive items?
OL: Sorry, we don't make cheap mirror, you might find another factory.
小弟:Fine,thank you.
這麼跩的OL, 我該不會遇到老闆的女兒了吧. 雖然長得不錯. (請不要要圖, 會場
很多攤位不準照相的, 以免copy, 更別說對人當面拍了, 這裡不是台灣的
電腦展,沒有show girls)
做home decor的
應該是老闆.他對著一個老外大聲叫, No shooting, sir, No shooting, sir.
please. 老外轉身就跑, 罵了一聲. 我看嘴形應該是fucX吧, 哈哈.
做家具的, 我問請問你們有做國內市場嗎?
喔, 我們沒有, 國內收款太困難了, 我們只做外銷.
奇怪了, 怎麼跟叔叔伯伯講的都不一樣
怕被別人copy, 單價很高, 大陸廠不做國內市場, 這些聽起來都是咱們台灣廠常掛在
嘴邊的阿, 怎麼他們也這樣講. 感覺這不是便宜工廠,專門copy的工廠該講出來的話耶
P.S.:廣交會還真是大阿, 比香港會展中心大好多喔.
但是廣州東站坐火車的人也太多了吧, 又不是過年. 擠死了人.
小弟我禮拜五去廣交會看展覽. 以前聽叔叔伯伯們說, 阿廣交會都是些便宜東西,
品質很差的, 如果他們這麼便宜, 老美早就跟他們買了, 一定有問題的啦,
可是...昨天去看, 給我的感覺不是這樣耶
做鏡子的OL sales rep.: Hi, may I hlpe you?
小弟回答:Yes, I am on behalf of our US buyer to source some interesting
products, could you give me your cataloge?
OL: May i have your business card first? Our products are very high end and
exclusive to our customer. Just make sure you are not our competitor.
小弟: oh, ok. (遞名片)
OL: thank you. OK, Well, our price is based on FOB Qingdao, and must be a full
container. You can mix up with different models, but each model has to be meet
小弟:alright, (很跩喔) and your price range is from?
OL: our price is from USD23~60, it depends on the size.
小弟: Oh, that's expensive. Do you have any much inexpensive items?
OL: Sorry, we don't make cheap mirror, you might find another factory.
小弟:Fine,thank you.
這麼跩的OL, 我該不會遇到老闆的女兒了吧. 雖然長得不錯. (請不要要圖, 會場
很多攤位不準照相的, 以免copy, 更別說對人當面拍了, 這裡不是台灣的
電腦展,沒有show girls)
做home decor的
應該是老闆.他對著一個老外大聲叫, No shooting, sir, No shooting, sir.
please. 老外轉身就跑, 罵了一聲. 我看嘴形應該是fucX吧, 哈哈.
做家具的, 我問請問你們有做國內市場嗎?
喔, 我們沒有, 國內收款太困難了, 我們只做外銷.
奇怪了, 怎麼跟叔叔伯伯講的都不一樣
怕被別人copy, 單價很高, 大陸廠不做國內市場, 這些聽起來都是咱們台灣廠常掛在
嘴邊的阿, 怎麼他們也這樣講. 感覺這不是便宜工廠,專門copy的工廠該講出來的話耶
P.S.:廣交會還真是大阿, 比香港會展中心大好多喔.
但是廣州東站坐火車的人也太多了吧, 又不是過年. 擠死了人.
All Comments

By Franklin
at 2009-10-28T13:04
at 2009-10-28T13:04

By Sandy
at 2009-10-28T18:59
at 2009-10-28T18:59

By Franklin
at 2009-10-31T11:03
at 2009-10-31T11:03

By Elizabeth
at 2009-11-04T07:12
at 2009-11-04T07:12

By Agatha
at 2009-11-08T22:56
at 2009-11-08T22:56

By Daph Bay
at 2009-11-12T21:32
at 2009-11-12T21:32

By Tom
at 2009-11-15T11:38
at 2009-11-15T11:38

By Necoo
at 2009-11-17T06:31
at 2009-11-17T06:31

By Irma
at 2009-11-17T16:05
at 2009-11-17T16:05

By Una
at 2009-11-22T01:53
at 2009-11-22T01:53

By Cara
at 2009-11-22T17:26
at 2009-11-22T17:26

By Blanche
at 2009-11-23T16:57
at 2009-11-23T16:57

By Lauren
at 2009-11-24T16:52
at 2009-11-24T16:52
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