德商公司徵ML軟體工程師 - 履歷

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-06-25T01:22

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歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager
Email: [email protected]

Job Link: https://tinyurl.com/esynrykn
Job Title: Software Engineer
Location: San Diego, CA

Job Description:
We are looking for a driven full-stack engineer who will join the Software AG
Machine Learning team in San Diego, CA responsible for building scalable
applications that operationalize deployment, integration and execution of
machine learning and deep learning models.

This role requires coordination with the data science team to ensure
correctness of implemented algorithms. This role also requires coordination
with pre-sales team to develop proof-of-concepts for use cases that leverage
Machine Learning capabilities on a wide variety of platforms ranging from
Cumulocity IoT Cloud to thin-edge devices.

Essential Job Functions:
Design, implement and maintain software components
Write technical design documents, and drive their review
Contribute ideas toward the enhancement and/or modification of critical
components to improve/optimize the product
Complete preliminary testing (automated as reasonably possible), and actively
provide guidance, direction, and collaboration with QA, documentation, and
Take ownership and ensure proactive closure for problem reports that fall
within or appear to fall within area of responsibility, work closely with QA
and technical support to quickly and successfully closeout problem reports

Strong in core Java, Data Structures and Machine Learning Algorithms
Strong understanding of Microservices based architecture and REST APIs +
Familiar with Docker, Kubernetes and other DevOps tools
Familiar with Python Machine Learning ecosystem
Experience with Agile methodologies and best practices
Knowledge of Maven, Docker, Junit, Web Development
Experience with Cloud Platforms like AWS, Azure
Excellent time-management skills, and the ability to manage complexities and
competing priorities
Ability to combine judgment, experience, analytic skills, and business
knowledge to make sound decisions
Very good Interpersonal/communication skills and experience coordinating
information and activities among groups with differing agendas, across
multi-functional areas

B.S. Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering with at least 3
years of software development experience OR
M.S. Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering with at least 1
year of software development experience

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-25T16:23
George avatar
By George
at 2021-06-26T07:24
哈哈,感謝樓上學妹幫推. XDD
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2021-06-26T22:25


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2021-06-22T14:41
※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1WqONY4v ] 作者: achech (ILoveMyWife) 看板: job 標題: [台南] 衛福部嘉南療養院誠徵兒青個案管理師 時間: Tue Jun 22 14:40:32 2021 job版禁止張貼違反「就業服務法」、「性別平等工作法」、「勞基法」 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-06-20T20:55
上次在板上分享文章後收到不少站內信, 於是我又寫了一篇文章分享求職經驗。 Medium 完整好讀版:https://pse.is/3jcd7r 這篇文章適合想出海到日本、但以英語為主要語言,有興趣加入小型網路與軟體公司/團隊的產品經理&專案經理。 先打個預防針 — — 其他產業或職能的人,這篇文章可能不 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-06-17T14:05
台灣葛蘭素史克消費保健用品儲備幹部計畫,正在招募中,歡迎企圖心旺盛、熱愛快速學習 發展的有志青年加入我們 ! [計劃介紹影片] https://youtu.be/CR0lzSfooMM [計畫說明] 台灣葛蘭素史克消費保健用品 2021 儲備幹部計畫,旨在加速培育醫療保健產業的業務或行 銷之專業管理 人才 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-06-16T21:14
大家好 小弟是今年社工系的大三學生 因為疫情影響 原本的機構沒辦法去了 想問問板上的前輩們 有沒有什麼管道能夠找到 目前全臺有在營運的社福相關單位的資料 我在一一投履歷詢問看看 謝謝大家~~ - ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2021-06-14T22:20
大家好!希望可以在這裡徵求到目前正在準備海外轉職、有興趣一起互相督促的夥伴。理 想上希望同樣是歐洲時區,但若時間能配合的話哪裡都可以!(不確定這樣的主題適不適 合PO在這,若不適合會再刪除) 我的背景:六年品牌策略和行銷經驗,英日文工作水平。待過4A廣告代理商(台灣),也 在東京的一間新創工作過一年半,目前 ...