[情報] Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Duk … - 生技

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-04-09T11:12

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作者: flywind1209 (飛翔風~) 看板: sinica
標題: [情報] Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Duke University
時間: Wed Apr 9 08:59:21 2008

We are looking for postdoctoral fellows to join our team to study the
function of HDAC members and reversible protein acetylation in cell
signaling and human disease. Our current focus is to elucidate the
functional intersection of HDAC members with autophagy machinery in
neurodegeneration, mitochondria in cancer metabolism, and skeletal
muscle remodeling in neuromuscular disease and muscle atrophy
(see Kawaguchi et. al. Cell. 115. 727-738, (2003), Kovacs et. al Molecular Cell
18 601-607 (2005), Bolger,et. J. Neuroscience 25(41):9544-53 (2005), Pandey et.
al Nature. 447:859-63 (2007), and Cohen et. al, J. Biol. Chem. 282(46):3375
(2008)). Individuals with experience in mouse models are particularly encourage
d to apply. Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae to:
[email protected]

Tso-Pang Yao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina, USA

Tags: 生技

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Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-04-08T10:00
〔求才單位〕 長庚大學分子醫學研究中心 張玉生老師實驗室 〔職稱〕碩士級專任研究助理 2名 〔應徵資格〕 1.具備二年以上研究經驗者尤佳。 2.具 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-04-08T09:46
我知道版友都是碩士學歷 無奈生技產業發展遲緩 在這麼低迷的氣氛中 很想為大家打打氣 社會上大眾做的事情 50K 就已經算非常多了 很多人拿的是 35K ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-04-08T00:15
搜尋了版上的資訊: 1. 程董是好人(公司網頁…程董換人做了;而且不知道這句話有什麼弦外之音嗎?) 2. 感覺好像要做很多雜事,公司制度不健全� ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-04-06T21:16
生技方面的產學合作是否有好的成功的模式 能夠讓學生知道產業界現況 或是讓學生能夠了解公司研發的流程或是參予研究or實驗? 我是陽明的學生 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-04-06T16:41
※ 引述《Liebesleid (recursive I love you)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《enixer (晴天)》之銘言: : : btw 小弟在生技界觀察到一些現象 : : 研究員or副研究員=助理+業務 : ...