想問幾個問題 - 人資

By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-11-27T15:23
at 2007-11-27T15:23
Table of Contents
我完全看不懂= =
1.that you have just been assigned the task of winning the business of our
competition’s biggest client. How would you proceed?”
a. situational
b. behavioral
c. stress
d. puzzle
e. directive
2.What type of interview might include the following statement? “Imagine
A job-related interview is, by definition, as type of _____ interview.
a. structured
b. behavioral
c. situational
d. unstructured
e. stress
3.15. Which of the following is not an advantage of programmed learning?
a. reduction in training time 對訓練時間的減少
b. facilitation of learning 學習容易
c. reduced feeling of risk on the part of the learner
d. learning similar to that with textbook
e. immediate feedback provided
就這3題 答不出來
All Comments

By Anthony
at 2007-11-29T21:05
at 2007-11-29T21:05

By Queena
at 2007-12-03T03:59
at 2007-12-03T03:59

By George
at 2007-12-04T15:51
at 2007-12-04T15:51

By Necoo
at 2007-12-06T01:17
at 2007-12-06T01:17

By Hardy
at 2007-12-08T10:17
at 2007-12-08T10:17
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