想請問關於生化柴油的發展與應用 - 生技

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2005-07-14T23:05

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*biodiesel 生化柴油
Biofuel increasingly competitive if oil surge lasts
Posted online: Thursday, June 23, 2005 at 0000 hours IST

PARIS, JUNE 22: Biofuels would be increasingly competitive if crude o
il prices, which are back near all-time highs, were to go beyond $60 a
barrel, officials at the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday.
Soaring oil prices have encouraged major consumers worldwide to sharply
increase their use of ‘green’ biofuels, made from sugar cane, vegetable
or grain oils.

But in most parts of the world the additional costs for producing biofuels
make the fuel uncompetitive without hefty tax rebates from governments.

“Biofuels are getting more competitive due to the surge in oil prices but
these would need to be somewhere between $60 and $100 a barrel for biofuels
to be competitive without subsidies,” IEA biofuel specialist Lew Fulton
said after a seminar on biofuel options.

US crude oil futures hit another all-time record on Monday at $59.52 a
barrel as worries over fuel demand festered amid limited US refinery

An exception is Brazil where ethanol, made from sugar cane, is competitive
without subsidy when oil prices are at $35 a barrel, said Brazil's
ambassador to Paris, Sergio Silva do Amaral.

The IEA renewed its estimate that all biofuels - ethanol and biodiesel -
had the potential to reach 10% of world fuel use for transport by 2025.
But Fulton said a more realistic estimate was that global ethanol
consumption should be between four and 5% of gasoline use by the end
of the decade. “That would be a very big achievement but a lot will
depend on oil prices,” he said.

Last year the world produced about 30 billion litres of fuel-ready
ethanol from fermenting and distilling mainly sugar or corn. In oil
terms, that’s more than 500,000 barrels per day (bpd), 2% of global
gasoline use.


※ 引述《spreed (又一天過去了)》之銘言:
: 最近因為石油漲價的很誇張
: 讓不太注重能源政策的台灣政府也稍微有了一些動作
: 具我所知前兩天報紙有報宜蘭某鄉要種原料作物
: 來試驗開發生化柴油,還有忘記再哪裡看到的
: 目前每公升生化柴油成本約為60元/1L算相當的高
: 算還沒辦法應用的階段
: 想請問關於生化柴油or生化能源這塊領域
: 在目前or未來15年之內
: 有沒有辦法應用到產業之中?
: 因為我現在只算一個學生
: 不太理解到底實驗室跟應用到底有多大的差距?
: 希望大家一起討論一下

Tags: 生技

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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2005-07-14T22:40
出處:【2005-07-13/經濟日報/C12版/健康生活】張承運 標題:國光將是率先量產疫苗業者 有先進第三級生物安全實驗室從事研產 內容: 【台中訊】國光� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2005-07-14T22:38
出處:【2005-07-13/經濟日報/B12版/生物科技】林萱惠 標題:明生生技深耕BA/BE試驗 16年經驗 近期積極進行美國FDA認證 內容: 【台北訊】國內藥廠BA/BE �� ...

Re: 最近找工作找的很慌 想請問大家的意見

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2005-07-14T16:13
※ 引述《barley (堅持啊)》之銘言: : : 希望這一份工作是為下一份工作來做鋪路也累積點經驗,所以會有這樣的擔心) : : 4我之前應徵了一家專利工程師 �� ...

Re: 最近找工作找的很慌 想請問大家的意見

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2005-07-14T13:02
※ 引述《wuyi (暴食症)》之銘言: : 3專利工程師的工作 除了考專利師或公職之外 還有其他的出路嗎 比方說專利工 : 程師的經驗到公司去有可能轉到其�� ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2005-07-13T12:15
最近因為石油漲價的很誇張 讓不太注重能源政策的台灣政府也稍微有了一些動作 具我所知前兩天報紙有報宜蘭某鄉要種原料作物 來試驗開發生化柴油,� ...