成大分子醫學研究所 誠徵博士後研究員 - 生技

By Belly
at 2008-06-23T13:50
at 2008-06-23T13:50
Table of Contents
以下為英文內文 若不符合版規 請告知 謝謝^^"
Applications are invited for two post-doctoral fellow positions in
Bioinformatics and neuron science in the National Cheng Kung University
Medical College (NCKUMC), TAIWAN. Highly motivated individuals will join a
growing team of molecular geneticists /biologists using state-of-the-art
technology in the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioinformatics Center.
The appointments are full time research jobs and will work on studying
transcriptome regulation in neuronal models. We are looking for individuals
with a strong interest in understanding the genome-wide regulation for the
maintenance of serotonin homeostasis in neurons. The successful candidates
will have excellent communication and writing skills and excel at working
collaboratively with the principal investigator and other staffs and students
in a team environment.
Candidates for Bioinformatics position are expected to have experiences in
programming, database management and microarray/high throughput sequencing
data analysis. Knowledge in molecular biology and statistics will be an
advantage. Candidates for neuron science are expected to have knowledge in
neuron and molecular biology, and experiences in primary cell culture.
Familiarity in bioinformatics will be a plus. The candidates will be
responsible for writing the results from this study as manuscripts in leading
scientific journals.
Candidates for these positions must have a doctorate/PhD degree in
Bioinformatics/ Functional Genomics or a related subject. However, candidates
nearing completion of their PhD are encouraged to apply. The positions are
available immediately and will be closed when suitable candidates are found.
Salary and benefits are based on the experiences and are internationally
To apply, please send a curriculum vitae including list of publications, one
page summary of research experience/expertise and future research ideas, and
contact details of three professional referees (name with address, phone and
fax number and e-mail) to Dr. Sunny Sun, Institute of Molecular Medicine,
National Cheng-Kung University Medical College, 1 University Road, Tainan,
Taiwan 70101. Email: [email protected]
Applications are invited for two post-doctoral fellow positions in
Bioinformatics and neuron science in the National Cheng Kung University
Medical College (NCKUMC), TAIWAN. Highly motivated individuals will join a
growing team of molecular geneticists /biologists using state-of-the-art
technology in the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioinformatics Center.
The appointments are full time research jobs and will work on studying
transcriptome regulation in neuronal models. We are looking for individuals
with a strong interest in understanding the genome-wide regulation for the
maintenance of serotonin homeostasis in neurons. The successful candidates
will have excellent communication and writing skills and excel at working
collaboratively with the principal investigator and other staffs and students
in a team environment.
Candidates for Bioinformatics position are expected to have experiences in
programming, database management and microarray/high throughput sequencing
data analysis. Knowledge in molecular biology and statistics will be an
advantage. Candidates for neuron science are expected to have knowledge in
neuron and molecular biology, and experiences in primary cell culture.
Familiarity in bioinformatics will be a plus. The candidates will be
responsible for writing the results from this study as manuscripts in leading
scientific journals.
Candidates for these positions must have a doctorate/PhD degree in
Bioinformatics/ Functional Genomics or a related subject. However, candidates
nearing completion of their PhD are encouraged to apply. The positions are
available immediately and will be closed when suitable candidates are found.
Salary and benefits are based on the experiences and are internationally
To apply, please send a curriculum vitae including list of publications, one
page summary of research experience/expertise and future research ideas, and
contact details of three professional referees (name with address, phone and
fax number and e-mail) to Dr. Sunny Sun, Institute of Molecular Medicine,
National Cheng-Kung University Medical College, 1 University Road, Tainan,
Taiwan 70101. Email: [email protected]
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