招聘一位軟體QA工程師(有經驗) - 海外工作

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2020-03-03T06:15

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Hi, 大家好

上次感謝大家踴躍報名, 還沒有消息的請耐心等待, 我們組還是持續在招軟體QA工程師.
只要有計算機相關的知識背景都可以, 大致的工作描述如下, 有興趣可以PM我.
Job Responsibilities:

‧ Design, develop, and execute test plans and functional test cases from
functional specs
‧ Find, isolate, document, regress, and track bugs through resolution
‧ Execute test cases, analyze and report test results to product teams
‧ Support cross-functional teams in integrated test efforts
‧ Building new test infrastructure and maintain them for automation setups
‧ Report project status and issues to project managers and management
‧ Debug to analyze the defect root cause, optimize the test scripts for
test automation
‧ Collaborate closely with the development team to analyze, debug and
resolve any issues
‧ Define Complex Test cases exercising various features and coming up
with creative ways to find bugs
‧ Develop and maintain the automated test scripts
‧ Develop and maintain test tools for product team

Job Requirements:

‧ A BS in Computer Science (or equivalent experience), an advanced degree
is a plus
‧ Good understanding of Quality Assurance processes and methodologies,
such as writing detailed test plans, documenting failure scenarios, and
isolating problems
‧ Experience working with Linux or UNIX Operating Systems
‧ Experience and understanding of Networking, security devices
‧ Experience designing and running stress, load, and performance tests
‧ Experience working in fast paced environments, Agile methodology &
changing testbed scenarios
‧ Experience with routers, DDoS attack mitigation products is preferred
‧ Experience with Ixia BreakingPoint is preferred
‧ Understanding of protocols such as RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS+, GTP, SCTP is
a plus
‧ Certifications such as CISSP, CCIE preferred.
‧ Experience working as development tester
‧ Experience with Python and Robot Framework is preferred



All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2020-03-03T16:48


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-02-29T19:02
【公司名稱】 菲律賓太陽城博弈集團 【工作職缺】 線上文字客服 【工作內容】 1.即時處理客戶問題 2.完成主管交辦事務 【徵求條件】 1. 電腦輸� ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2020-02-21T17:43
大家好, 我目前有得到一個在馬卡蒂的工作機會, 工作內容是我有興趣想要做的, 薪資跟住宿條件也都OK, 但我曾經得過登革熱, 所以現在唯一考量的就是�� ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-02-19T19:17
圖文好讀版: 根據2020政府預算報告,新加坡政府打算在未來3年內實施兩階段針對SP簽證發放的數量逐步管控。 在2021的1月開始,sub-DRC ...

非營利的博物館是否算cap exempt 呢

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-02-11T16:06
如題 我是非stem學科畢業,現在在一間科學博物館當研究員。 本來以為非營利組織申請h1b是不用抽籤的,最近才發現必須要跟大學有affiliation或是是研� ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2020-02-10T10:45
一般來說有機會到歐洲工作/派駐的管道主要有以下幾種 1. 本地求職 2. 總部在歐洲的公司,調回總部工作 3. 台灣企業派駐歐洲職務 4. 中� ...