接受美國政府救助銀行全名單 - 美國

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-03-04T19:26

Table of Contents


H-1B Visas, the TARP Program, and the Stimulus Legislation

During the Congressional debate over the economic crisis, efforts were made
to further restrict the use of the H-1B visa

As a result of these efforts, just one provision was enacted: banks and
other financial institutions that receive bailout assistance under the TARP
(Troubled Asset Recovery Program) ( the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
of 2008 (Public Law 110-343) or that receives funding under Section 13 of the
Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. § 342 et seq., authorizing the Federal
Reserve's "Discount Window" for short-term, secured loans to financial
institutions and other companies).are prohibited from seeking H-1B status on
behalf of a "new" H-1B worker UNLESS they have complied with the restrictions
currently imposed on "H-1B Dependant Employers*."

H-1B Dependant Employers are required to test the labor market to establish
the unavailability of U.S. workers before filing an H-1B Petition. They are
also subject to further restrictions where there have been layoffs of workers
in the occupational classification sought.

Companies which receive finding from the Stimulus bill [the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R.1), as opposed to the TARP program are NOT
subject to any special restrictions with respect to the filing of H-1B

* H-1B Dependant Employers, generally, are those whose workforce consists of
15% or more of H-1B workers

Tags: 美國

All Comments


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-03-04T16:07
上次參加job fair 基本上,因為失業問題嚴重 所以大部份的政府部門優先錄用美國公民 也就是說,連綠卡的都進不去。 如果你念的科系很冷門 美國人根� ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-03-04T14:44
從中國MIT板看到的 可能不招新的H1b Employers Received Funding under Troubled Assets Relief Program(TARP) http://www.myvisajobs.com/H1B-Visa/TARP.aspx --


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2009-03-04T14:18
我申請到教育統計的masterandlt;measurementandgt;, 目前的生涯規劃只有先讀到master畢業, 雖然未來的變數、可能很多, 但是還是希望畢業後可以在美國找到 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2009-03-03T10:59
※ 引述《larrytang (單吊青發)》之銘言: 太常討論的部份請爬文; 恕不重覆回答 : : 5. 我現在沒有把握能在美國留多久,要看H1B的狀況 : : 請問在不確定 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-03-03T10:38
※ 引述《pezvolante (思念無聲無息無日無夜)》之銘言: : 要準備報稅了,但是有幾點想確定一下 : 我是05年八月來唸書的,所以現在應該還算是NR的身份 : ...