揪團團報 PMP - PMP

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-03-04T22:13

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well, I have no intention to fight
or to insult anyone

yeah, I am not experienced enough to give you the answer,
anyone can give him an answer?

PMP is just a certificate...
for an expereicned PM, it will be much easier for him to pass
I have heard a senior Microsoft manager pass it immediately after class without
any study....
I belive it will be easier for you to pass since from your resume
you have many experiences...so why against it?

just like other certificate,
it is a title

※ 引述《birdpon (Dame un beso)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《yule1224 (我要千秋王子)》之銘言:
: : It would be great if I will have pay rise :)
: Good luck :)
: : Not sure it will happen
: : but it is fun to study PMP knowledge...and it does help me a lot
: It's also interesting to study 2nd foreign language in addition to English.
: It definitely benefits my life. :)
: By the way, it's a pity that you still can not answer my question. :)

Tags: PMP

All Comments


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-03-04T00:27
大家好^^ 小弟初次在此po文 目前就讀117 MBA 將來想從事PM的工作 如果本身非技術背景出身 該如何充實專業知識? 平常每天至少花1小時看財經版/工商/經� ...

揪團團報 PMP

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-03-03T23:37
※ 引述《yule1224 (我要千秋王子)》之銘言: : 其實就像在學校所學的市場行銷理論 : 不管在哪個行業 : 基本要考慮市場行銷的方向流程都依樣 : 計畫 (包 ...

揪團團報 PMP

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-03-03T20:36
其實就像在學校所學的市場行銷理論 不管在哪個行業 基本要考慮市場行銷的方向流程都依樣 計畫 (包括大家熟知的SWOT analysis, 產品定位設定, 4P) -andgt;� ...

揪團團報 PMP

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-03-01T16:59
應該說大部份的電子公司都不太重視這張證照.. 外商會比較重視一點.. 我學姐在 KPMG(安侯建業)考上PMP.. 公司加薪 5000.. 我同事PM(某手機公司)考上..沒�� ...

揪團團報 PMP

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-03-01T01:13
真的上完課後要馬上考 像我一直拖拖拖 原本模擬還考得ok 上次去考模擬 竟然連六十分不到 嚇死我了 要開始拜讀pm聖經了 PMP的東西讀起來 會更加崇拜p ...