敏捷式管理(Agile)免費研討會 - 工程師

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-06-06T01:19

Table of Contents

主辦單位: https://www.facebook.com/AgileBrewery
報名網址: http://goo.gl/u549m4
活動地點: 市長官邸藝文沙龍 - 台北市中正區徐州路46號
活動日期: 2015/6/30 (二)
本活動中將由通騰科技 TomTom 以及 Rally 公司,分享他們在專案中
導入Agile 的實作經驗。

Agile process執行過程中確保有效率的產出?甚至,改善「產能」?
動,來聽聽通騰科技資深副總 Hans Schaminee 先生的經驗談,也歡迎

另外,Rally 亞太區資深技術顧問 SinFatt Choong 先生,將以別開生
面的 open space 方式,讓與會的朋友們能有更充份的交流!保證會讓



19.00 - 20.00
Han Schaminee
Senior Vice President of TomTom's Connected Navigation Product Unit

主題: 如何透過 Agile process 獲得更有效率的產出

SinFatt Choong
Rally Software 亞太區擔任資深技術顧問

開放空間 - 活動讓大家提出問題,交流想法


TomTom 通騰科技提供最佳的車隊管理解決方案,擁有先進的行動定位服務,
GPS運動手錶等產品。TomTom 在1991年成立於荷蘭,目前全球有大約 4170名

Rally Software 成立於2001年,針對 Agile 開發管理提供一套雲端解決方
諮詢服務,Agile 訓練認證課程,以及其他 Agile 和 Lean 實作相關訓練課程。

Event Location: 46 Xuzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

Event Description:

In this Agile Brewery event we’ll have TomTom and Rally to share
their experiences.

We encourage you to ask weird, cool and smart questions, so that
everybody leaves the event with some new thoughts. Perhaps you will
inspire somebody to speak at the next Agile Brewery.
The speeches are in English and Chinese. There is no entrance fee.
For the early birds there is dinner.

Event Rundown:

19.00 - 20.00
Han Schaminee
Senior Vice President of TomTom's Connected Navigation Product Unit

Agile is about people. This is an idea easily ignored in Taiwan culture.
When people talk about agile, people are talking about a process and a
project management method. But the truth is that Agile is more about a
mindset and a culture. Han will share his ideas on why he thinks Agile
is about people and talk more about what senior management should do
differently to improve productivity of their people.

Topic: What senior management should do differently to improve productivity

SinFatt Choong
Senior Technical Consultant with Rally Software Asia

Activity: Open Space - a marketplace for people to raise questions and
share ideas.

Company background:

TomTom is best known for being a global leader in navigation and mapping
products, TomTom also creates GPS sports watches, as well as
state-of-the-art fleet management solutions and industry-leading
location-based products. It was founded in The Netherlands in 1991 and
it has over 4170 employees worldwide.

Rally Software, founded in 2001, provides cloud-based solutions for
managing Agile software development. Rally’s offerings include Application
Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
platform and products, Agile consulting services, courses through Agile
University, and training courses focused on Agile and Lean practices.
Rally is dedicated to make companies to go faster, leaner and more Agile.


All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2015-06-10T05:45
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-06-12T01:04
轉貼缺少最重要的要素 日期:6/30
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2015-06-15T03:07
差點看成 鄭捷式 管理
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-06-18T23:46
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-06-21T15:21
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-06-24T13:48
這兩個標題擺在一起好......妙? 不 是好抖
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-06-28T14:46

德州儀器製造部 鴻海專案工程師

George avatar
By George
at 2015-06-05T23:11
第一次在這po文 哪邊做得不好請見諒 親戚沒帳號 幫忙問的 以下 中原工工學畢 Offer: 德州儀器 製造部主任 月薪45000 保14個月 年薪約16個月 通勤70分�� ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-06-05T22:05
小弟最近開始找工作了 對觀光那塊也有興趣 碰巧知道了這家公司 據說已獨佔台灣市場了 可是我爬文幾乎0資料 想請問各位大大 這家公司的待遇或環境� ...

offer選擇 (康寧or傳產)

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-06-05T21:48
小弟私立大學畢業,傳產資歷兩年,前一份工作是RFID製程工程師。 1.康寧 正職技術員,無塵室產線,四二輪,初期坐公司交通車, 穩定後附近租屋(剛 ...

宏達電調降Q2財測 每股將虧9.7~9.94元

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-06-05T21:20
※ [本文轉錄自 Stock 看板 #1LSPt1Hr ] 作者: Eos (美麗時光) 看板: Stock 標題: [新聞] 宏達電調降Q2財測 每股將虧9.7~9.94元 時間: Fri Jun 5 21:01:51 2015 1.原文� ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-06-05T21:12
小弟前一陣子接到錄取通知 公司每個月有全勤津貼,午餐津貼,交通補助 請問在算月薪的時候,會把這些都加進去嗎? 因為不加這些的話 月薪真的不 ...