新加坡 Lomotif 招募 Data/後端/Web/APP - 面試

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2021-05-17T18:08

Table of Contents



398 Race Course Road S218561, Singapore, Singapore.

Lomo is a short-format video-sharing social networking platform
which aims to democratise video creation and sharing. It enables
users to create, share and watch short music videos.

Since our launch in June 2014, we have seen tremendous growth
among Gen Z teens in the United States, Brazil, Portugal and
Russia with $0 spent on marketing even until today. We now have
over 15 million people who are creating and sharing more than 900
million clips via the app each month: selfie music videos, moments
with family and friends, urban fashion trends, lifestyle content,
and more.

Lomotif is a hugely global short-form video creation and social
sharing app with over 15 million users and growing.
Through an internationally diverse team filled with passion and a
common goal, we utilize technology to enable us to create and
reach new heights of innovation and experiences for our users.
Our mission is to elevate social sharing and engagement for
everyone globally.

Having been acquired by a NASDAQ traded company, we are currently
experiencing tremendous growth and hiring self-motivated and
extraordinary talents for Lomotif in Singapore and Taiwan.

1. Consumer Lifecycle Management Lead 月薪 150k - 350k 台幣
2. Data Scientist (AI & Machine Learning) 月薪 140k - 300k 台幣
3. Senior iOS Developer 月薪 138k - 218k 台幣
4. Head of Growth 月薪 170k - 280k 台幣
5. Lead Web Developer 月薪 105k - 260k 台幣
6. Senior Backend Engineer 月薪 104k - 210k 台幣
7. Senior Android Developer 月薪 120k - 190k 台幣
8. Data Analyst 月薪 65k - 187k 台幣
9. UX Designer 月薪 60k - 185k 台幣
10. Data Engineer 年薪 1m - 2.2m 台幣
11. Product Marketing Manager 月薪 105k - 168k 台幣
12. Strategy Manager 月薪 100k - 168k 台幣
13. Fullstack Web Developer 月薪 96k - 165k 台幣
14. QA / Release Manager 年薪 1m - 2m 台幣
15. Growth Hacker 年薪 850k - 1.8m 台幣
16. Performance Marketing 年薪 1m - 1.6m 台幣
17. Product Specialist 月薪 70k - 120k 台幣
18. SEO / SEM Specialist 月薪 40k - 80k 台幣

[工作內容 / 應徵條件]



Lomotif 同時參加 06/05 舉辦的超時空快速面試。
利用短短 15 分鐘的時間,直接與用人主管對談。



超時空快速面試 2021:


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跨國新創 GoFreight 招募 全端軟體開發

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2021-05-17T18:06
[公司名稱] 聖學科技股份有限公司 [公司網址] [公司地址] 台北市民生東路三段 49 號 13 樓 [公司簡介] GoFreight 是專門為貨運承攬 (Freight Forwarder) 與物流產業打造的雲 端平台,透過工作流程自動化集中所有業 ...

南亞科升高至三級防疫 啟動分區分流並延

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2021-05-17T17:27
南亞科升高至三級防疫 啟動分區分流並延後新人報到 聯合報 / 記者簡永祥 DRAM大廠南亞科(2408)依國家衛生指揮中心及新北政府規定提升為三級防疫,今日起更 新防疫措施,啟動分區、分流及人流管制,並管制所有來賓、訪客、廠 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2021-05-17T17:14
各位前輩好,最近收到兆凌的面試邀約,應徵的是化學研發工程師RD engineer/chemist,已於網路爬文過(一個月多月前有一篇,但因為沒有太多回覆,故想再次詢問各位前輩的經驗),已知這家公司的負責人是前台達電的技術長,主要在做一些影像及光學材料研發,但其他資訊相對較少QQ。 想請問版上是否有人對這家公司 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-05-17T00:49
繼一個月前來版上問後,小弟我努力振作了一下、共面了16家公司,之後寫完心得再上來 回報各位大大,但目前手上有一些offer的機會,也想請益各位大大的想法 小弟學 118ECE+碩112CS,碩論是NLP/DL用在醫療分析上,刷題150左右、經歷有實習比賽 卷...等 前陣子因為跟朋友合租房子在台北,原本想 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2021-05-16T16:34
嗨各位 前半年gg瘋狂邀約面試 幾乎有填履歷都能收到 我也去面試過 人滿為患 現在疫情爆發 還有人有收到面試邀約嗎? 他們還會繼續面試嗎還是會換方法? 還是就中斷了 - ...