新加坡 M-DAQ 徵 Java / QA Developer...等職位 - offer

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-12-14T14:08

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1RzGSALv ]

作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] M-DAQ 徵 Java / QA Developer...等職位
時間: Wed Nov 21 15:19:35 2018





15 Playfair Road, Level 2,Singapore 367987


M-DAQ's platform blends executable FX rates into equities and futures
products,allowing investors to price, trade and settle exchange-traded
products in their preferred currency at multibank wholesale FX rates,
regardless of their profile and trade size. It doesn't require any
significant overhaul of the exchanges or costs.The partner exchanges
will also receive a revenue share of the net FX margins.

M-DAQ also provides online merchants with the ability to offer
competitive multicurrency payment options to their customers,
while allowing merchants to receive only their desired currencies
through a fixed rate (static or dynamic lock-in) FX conversion
service. Merchants can also configure a spread, a revenue
stream that had hitherto been captured by other payment parties.

It processes more than US$3bn of transactions per year.
M-DAQ's competitive edge lies in its patented technology, which
enables themost cost-efficient FX executions. In addition, its
solution can be customised to suit clients'specific business needs.


1. Senior Java Developer 80k - 120k SGD / annual
2. Stock Market Equities Developer 50k - 100k SGD / annual
3. Java Developer 50k - 80k SGD / annual
4. Associate QA/Production Support 30k - 60k SGD / annual

[工作內容/ 應徵條件]







* 120K 新幣按照匯率(1 SGD=22.5 TWD)約等於2.7M台幣,但是



All Comments


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-12-13T10:57
【徵人公司】 人力仲介- 長隆人力資源股份有限公司 僱主- 俏美爾醫療美容整形整所 【工作職缺】 : 醫學美容師 【工作地點】 : 雪梨華人街 【工� ...

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Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2018-12-12T22:25
在OS版潛水很久了,曾經受益於版上、也在求職路上遇到很多貴人幫忙, 所以大家如果有想要到海外工作,我都可以幫忙推薦(內推、推獵頭), 重點是�� ...

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Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-12-07T23:39
大家好 有爬過相關文章 但還是想問一下各位高手在接受實習offer的時候 有先跟公司做些詢問與溝通嗎? 因為這是我第一個offer 一月就要開始工作 � ...

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Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2018-12-06T21:31
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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-12-06T19:04
前言:時常看海外版,難得有機會能回饋一下所以才有了這篇文。 面試公司 : Arrival / Roborace 面試職缺 : 我也不知道 公司介紹 : 做電動車的,人數� ...