新加坡LARC徵才說明會5/2在交大 - 工程師

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-04-19T18:18

Table of Contents

Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC)


Smart nation is Singapore's ongoing national level effort to turn the city state into a testbed ready for technology innovation.
As part of this, Living Analytics Research Center (LARC) has been given the mission to conduct research on urban and social sensing, socio-physical analytics and social activation that enable a society to become (a) personalized, for improving people’s lifestyle and well-being, and (b) participatory, for getting people to perform tasks for public good.
LARC has its research projects covering four important application domains, namely
(1) urban and community liveability,
(2) jobs and skills intelligence,
(3) personalized urban mobility, and
(4) smart consumption and healthy lifestyle.


In this informal talk, the Director of LARC will share the ongoing R&D projects as well as the career opportunities in these projects.

有意參加者請在4/26 11:59pm之前到下列網址填單:


Kindly RSVP here by 11:59pm 26 April if you are able to join us.
CVs are encouraged to be uploaded as we will use them to shortlist the candidates to be invited to the information session.
We look forward to seeing you. Thank you!

自助晚餐:17:30-18:00 於交通大學 EC340
說明會:18:00-19:00 於交通大學 EC345

EC340, National Chiao Tung University (Dinner Buffet)
EC345, Natonal Chiao Tung University (Information Session)

17:30-18:00, 2 May (Dinner Buffet)
18:00-19:00, 2 May (Information Session)

Contact us: (65) 6808 5227 | [email protected]
Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC):



【職務性質】 全職

【需求人數】 不限

【職類】 Research Engineer/Research Fellow/Data Scientist


Salary for these positions will be based on the candidate's relevant experience and qualifications.
The following scale is for your reference:
PhD-level: S$5000+
Master-level: S$3500+
Bachelor-level: S$3000+

【上班時段】 08:30~17:45

【休假制度】 周休二日

【可上班日】 Anytime!


All Comments


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-04-19T16:31
※ 引述《playboytang (唐)》之銘言: : 本來想問問,但看完後發現看法差異過大,不想引戰所以刪文,但已有人回文來不及了, : 但我還是不認同懷孕安胎或者生產就活該考績差,不然這像是在懲罰孕婦,多的我就不說 : 了 你的邏輯很奇怪 你覺得:女生懷孕 所以考績差 鄉民覺得:女生懷孕身體不適 請長假導致沒貢獻 所以考績差 還是你覺得考績不該由貢獻決定? : 最後祝大家跟另一半及全 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-04-19T16:14
這個問題應該不是這樣吧 在一般公司的一般部門,假設人數10-15 能拿好考績大約2-3位,最差的1-2位 剩下中間的大家能力差異不大 就是比工作時間了 回到TSMC,推測也可能是這個情況 如果是工程師,不是紅的當然工時大約就是產出,一般也不會有人刻意犯錯要來搞自己和公司,所以會類似這情況 1.有工作,有產出 2.沒工作,無產出 3.有工作,負產出,有苦勞 2理論上不會贏過1,但是否贏過3不確 ...

遭美封殺 富比世:中興通訊恐聲請破產

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-04-19T15:32
新聞來源:經濟日報 新聞連結: 新聞標題: 遭美封殺 富比世:中興通訊恐聲請破產 新聞內文: 美國政府16日宣布,7年內禁止企業銷售零組件給中國通訊設備製造商中興通訊(ZTE Corp);富比世(Forbes)網站評論指出,中興通訊未來幾週恐怕就會聲請破產。 Atherton Research首席分析師Jean Baptiste Su在富比世的評 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2018-04-19T15:31
#幫同學代PO #如有違反版規,煩請告知,謝謝大家^^ 大家好,這裡有一份關於虛擬團隊的研究問卷,想請有虛擬團隊經驗的人能夠幫忙填寫。 問卷名稱:鄰近度、友誼氛圍與虛擬團隊創新績效關係之研究 填答資格:有虛擬團隊經驗的人 (虛擬團隊是指,彼此溝通事情、討論的時候,可能透過E-mail、通訊軟體、視訊等。) 研究單位:國立中央大學企業管理研究所 研究者姓名:陳乃榮 聯絡人姓名:陳乃榮 聯絡方 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2018-04-19T14:50
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1Qs3mSNV ] 作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] DBS新加坡商星展銀行徵才 時間: Thu Apr 19 14:50:01 2018 [公司名稱] 新加坡 DBS 星展銀行 [公司地點] 12 Marina Boulevard,DBS Asia Central ...