新加坡LARC徵才說明會5/2在交大 - 海外工作

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-04-19T18:20

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※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板 #1Qs6pf0P ]

作者: margies (margies) 看板: Tech_Job
標題: [情報] 新加坡LARC徵才說明會5/2在交大
時間: Thu Apr 19 18:18:14 2018

Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC)


Smart nation is Singapore's ongoing national level effort to turn the city state into a testbed ready for technology innovation.
As part of this, Living Analytics Research Center (LARC) has been given the mission to conduct research on urban and social sensing, socio-physical analytics and social activation that enable a society to become (a) personalized, for improving people’s lifestyle and well-being, and (b) participatory, for getting people to perform tasks for public good.
LARC has its research projects covering four important application domains, namely
(1) urban and community liveability,
(2) jobs and skills intelligence,
(3) personalized urban mobility, and
(4) smart consumption and healthy lifestyle.


In this informal talk, the Director of LARC will share the ongoing R&D projects as well as the career opportunities in these projects.

有意參加者請在4/26 11:59pm之前到下列網址填單:


Kindly RSVP here by 11:59pm 26 April if you are able to join us.
CVs are encouraged to be uploaded as we will use them to shortlist the candidates to be invited to the information session.
We look forward to seeing you. Thank you!

自助晚餐:17:30-18:00 於交通大學 EC340
說明會:18:00-19:00 於交通大學 EC345

EC340, National Chiao Tung University (Dinner Buffet)
EC345, Natonal Chiao Tung University (Information Session)

17:30-18:00, 2 May (Dinner Buffet)
18:00-19:00, 2 May (Information Session)

Contact us: (65) 6808 5227 | [email protected]
Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC):



【職務性質】 全職

【需求人數】 不限

【職類】 Research Engineer/Research Fellow/Data Scientist


Salary for these positions will be based on the candidate's relevant experience and qualifications.
The following scale is for your reference:
PhD-level: S$5000+
Master-level: S$3500+
Bachelor-level: S$3000+

【上班時段】 08:30~17:45

【休假制度】 周休二日

【可上班日】 Anytime!


All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-04-19T21:44
建議多開一個東南亞工作版 此版看不起東南亞工作文章


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-04-18T17:08
*覺得自己是國際人才,希望快速積累海外工作經驗嗎? *認為AI是浪潮,想要進入相關顧問業工作,厚積己身實力嗎? *嚮往日本的生活,希望前往� ...

Samsung Austin Semiconductor

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2018-04-17T13:28
(代po) 請問一下版上有人在Texas 的Samsung Austin Semiconductor工作嗎? 最近有hr聯絡我 想請教一下工作文化跟bonus如何 似乎很缺人的樣子 --

ESPP sold tax 求救

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-04-14T03:22
努力在這周把稅報完中 但遇到espp的稅務問題 基本上是因為公司被收購 去年所有的stock全部被cash 1099B上 看到的gain/cost basis 和底下 Supplemental Stock Pla ...

Re: 海外工作後回台的人過的怎麼樣了

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-04-13T12:49
藉著這標題問一下 有什麼北美工作後搬回台灣工作的討論區還是群組? 類似mitbbs海歸版之類的 工作十幾年美國四個時區都住過 開始想回家了 主要是卡 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-04-11T18:32
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