新加坡PolicyPal 徵 Fullstack Developer - offer

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-06-23T00:12

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1PI-nCBV ]

作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] 新加坡PolicyPal 徵 Fullstack Developer
時間: Fri Jun 23 00:11:53 2017


3F, 79 Ayer Rajah Crescent, Singapore (BASH)

1. Full Stack Developer 4,000 - 7,000 SGD/mth

We are looking for talented and bold engineers who love
to code, get their hands dirty with raw data and derive
meaningful and actionable insights. To keep our pace up, we
need passionate Developers who challenge the status quo on
a daily basis and are driven to go the extra mile.
As an engineer at PolicyPal you have the platform to
continue to grow, evolve and learn. The challenge is to adapt
ideas quickly and offer our customers a solution that provide
value on every dimension. Here we don’t want to be good at
what we do,we aim to be the extraordinary at it!

- Full stack generalist with deep knowledge in back-end
- Comfortable working on everything from Golang, React
native, mySQL, AWS, and third-party API integrations
- You’ve built scalable software on your own from the ground
- Experience designing and deploying database systems
- Get It Done mentality. From setting up AWS servers to
debugging live with clients, take ownership of issues and
move ‘em.
- Ability to keep calm in start-up uncertainty
- Works hard but loves to share a laugh and wants to build a
fun work culture
- Fintech experience
- Start-up experience
- Knowledge of data encryption and security
- Web and mobile app development
- Project management experience

PolicyPal helps consumers to manage, optimise
insurance policies through the OCR technology and AI chatbot,
offering personalised recommendations using social media
and existing policies data.
We are the first fintech and currently only startup to enter
MAS Fintech Regulatory Sandbox in Singapore. We are
funded by 500 startups and working with global insurance
companies disrupting this space.


彈性工時但每天為8小時,例如 9:00 - 18:00,中間有1小時休息




1. 4k到7k新幣,直接換算台幣是9萬到15萬左右。但新加坡物

2. 待遇除現金以外包括股票選擇權,額度視經驗面議

3. 創辦人將於7/3親自來台面試。可以從以下影片先目睹其風采 (1分33秒處)


All Comments

Re: 馬爾地夫薪資待遇

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-06-22T18:21
我正在這工作已有9年,如果不介意私下告訴我渡假村名稱,幫你算一下 馬爾地夫的工作薪資很特別, 不是像台灣每月領固定的薪水,而是底薪+服務費(加�� ...

德國程序化廣告技術公司 Sociomantic Labs 工作心得

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-06-21T23:25
看到板上各位大大都在推各個公司,終於到我有機會了,雖然不是 FLAG 型的公司,大家也應該沒有聽過這個名字!我在這家公司上班超過 1 年了,認為�� ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2017-06-21T15:37
新加坡名勝世界sentosa徵娛樂場公關 官網: 工作內容: 1. 賓客來酒店消費之際提供優質的服務和最大化客人體驗 2. 提供酒店之設施 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-06-20T00:13
技術類別:JAVA,PHP,IOS,Android,DBA 美工 UI SEO 等等各項技術大神 要求: 1上進心,肯努力,保證年薪破百。 工作地點:菲律賓 泰國 柬埔寨 緬甸 �� ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2017-06-19T17:33
面試公司:台灣某高山銀行 面試職位:管理部門 求職方法:リクナビNEXT 面試過程: 本來已經有點放棄在日本就業了,因為收到プライベートオファ� ...