[新聞] Bill seeking H-1B cap hike gets House hearing - 海外工作

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-09-14T11:04

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Bill seeking H-1B cap hike gets House hearing

The measure would raise the annual limit to 115,000 visas,
but its prospects appear grim

September 06, 2007 (Computerworld) -- A U.S. House subcommittee today
held a hearing on immigration reform legislation that includes a
proposed hike in the federal government's annual H-1B visa cap from
the current limit of 65,000 to 115,000 and potentially beyond.

But no one from the high-tech industry -- which is pressing for an
H-1B increase -- was among the 12 people who were scheduled to testify.
And the planned focus of the hearing seemed to be on broader aspects of
immigration reform, according to written testimony that was released in

In addition, the House bill is unlikely to be the vehicle for any
increase in the H-1B cap -- not this year, at least. The Senate's
attempt to craft a comprehensive immigration reform bill, also with
a cap increase, failed earlier this year, and that body isn't expected
to take up another proposal in the next few months. But H-1B proponents
have said that a cap increase could be proposed in other types of
legislation, such as spending bills.

Today's hearing concerned the STRIVE Act of 2007, for Security Through
Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy.

The bill, introduced earlier this year by Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)
and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), would increase the number of H-1B visas that
the government could issue to 115,000 per year right away and allow for
20% annual increases, up to a maximum of 180,000 visas, if the limit
was reached. It also would exempt foreign nationals who earn graduate
degrees in the U.S. from the H-1B cap.

Flake was one of the people expected to testify at the hearing, which
was held by the House Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on
Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security and International

In his written testimony, Flake mentioned the H-1B program indirectly,
arguing that the STRIVE legislation "addresses the failures and problems
with past worker programs and charts a new course that better protects
workers, while more effectively and efficiently meeting the needs of

But Julie Kirchner, government relations director at the Federation for
American Immigration Reform in Washington, said in her prepared testimony
that an increased pool of H-1B holders would be competing for jobs
with U.S. citizens.

"These provisions are a serious threat to high-tech workers in the U.S.,
including legal immigrants who have patiently waited their turn to take
part in the American dream," Kirchner wrote.


All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-09-18T00:07
光看標題會猜這個Bill是法案還是Bill Gates  orz


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2007-09-14T01:25
我最近剛辭掉一份工作 之前是在一家外商銀行擔任客服的工作 這一份工作的時間是快兩年 現在想去香港工作 不知道我可不可以 因為我大四那一年� ...


John avatar
By John
at 2007-09-13T20:55
我是原PO 真的很想認識也在巴黎工作的人 不過就你提的問題我也可以回覆一下 法國人基本上是一個非常and#34;人治and#34;的國家 每個人心中都有他自己� ...

Re: k12 k4 跟ESL 哪一種好?

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-09-13T14:53
請知道的朋友 回覆 謝謝 不知道的人可以問我甚麼是k12 k8 k4 唉.... 無言..... ※ 引述《kadylin (kady)》之銘言: : 如題 : 謝謝 : 請問有甚麼不同 --


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-09-13T06:31
請問對於巴黎反感的版友是指工作環境還是生活環境的反感? 若是工作環境,是不是指特定的工作,商、服飾、工程、…? --


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2007-09-12T21:36
謝謝您的鼓勵,讓心中忐忑的我鼓起了勇氣,我會努力表現出自己的 這幾天努力爬爬文以及看些教人家怎麼面試的書,希望可以有所準備不要緊張 不知道在 ...