日本樂天徵才/軟體相關 - 工程師

David avatar
By David
at 2015-11-13T23:12

Table of Contents



【Corporate Name】

日本樂天Rakuten, Inc.

【Job Category】

Software Engineer、Infrastructure Engineer

【Job Description】

◎Software Engineer
Planning, designing and developing of new Web services, Maintenance and
operation of existing Web services, Mobile or Smartphone Development.

◎Infrastructure Engineer
Development and operation of infrastructure systems, such as servers,
networks and database.


Crimson House (Tokyo), and branch offices within Japan


Decision based on experience, ability, and performance potential. Your salary
will be determined by interview result from the Model annual salary as follows:
4 million JPY- 6.5 million JPY /year  (FY2015 Level *possibility of a change)

※Stock Option is available


◎Holidays and Leave
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, and National Holidays (15 public holidays).
Leave: Summer/Winter Holidays, Annual Paid Holidays, and Special Leave.

◎Insurance and sickness/injury support
Various social insurance coverage
(Employees' Pension Insurance, Health Insurance, Workers' Accident
Compensation Insurance, and Employment Insurance), commuting fees, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, and membership to
sports gyms.

Orientation Training, mentor program, follow-up training, position-specific
training, programming training, special management training, e-learning
courses, division-specific OJT, language training, and other training.

Staff may help themselves to three meals free of charge.
A relaxation space which offers massage and other treatments.
A fully equipped fitness gym and spa, which also provides training support.
A power-nap space where employees can rest briefly to improve work efficiency.
A childcare center offering comprehensive children’s education programs.


BS/MS/PhD in Computer Science or equivalent experience with skills shown

◎Minimum skills
Programming experiences in Java or PHP (Either of them is necessary)
Linux/Unix administration experience

◎Preferred skills
Major of Distributed computing, Machine learning, NLP, Database/search Strong
knowledge of algorithms for working on large data Development experience of
applications for smart devices

【Language Skills】

◎English: Business level
◎Japanese language is NOT required in the interviews,
though we do prefer candidates with Japanese language ability.


Those who can start after 2016 May

【Selection Process】

2.Programming test
3.Online interviews
4.Offer meeting



[email protected]




All Comments


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2015-11-13T22:33
※ 引述《bluebluelan (北加州清光)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《DSStanford (Immigrationer)》之銘言: : : 想請問大家 : : 如果是 : : 1.在台灣讀牙醫系 : 一年學雜生活費 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2015-11-13T22:13
這家美商版上討論很少, 不知道板上有沒有關於這家 design house 的薪資狀況, 工作氣氛 有些許了解的, 可否大致透露一下 ? 我目前 google 到的好像都是�� ...

offer 請益(台積/台灣美光)

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-11-13T21:46
魯妹科技版首Po,如有發文不當處請多多見諒!! 背景:現居台北,四大化學系學碩畢業 近日有幸拿到以下兩間公司offer,不確定該如何選擇。 -------- ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-11-13T21:01
※ 引述《DSStanford (Immigrationer)》之銘言: : 想請問大家 : 如果是 : 1.在台灣讀牙醫系 一年學雜生活費給你頂天30萬 六年180萬 一般雙薪家庭大概都擠得出 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-11-13T20:20
想請問大家 如果是 1.在台灣讀牙醫系 2.在UCLA OR UC Berkeley讀csand#34;學士and#34; 如果需要也可以讀碩士(抽H1B) 非美國公民無綠卡 大家會選擇哪一個? �� ...