有關export license approval - 海外工作

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-05-13T13:07

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請問有人有export licens 的經驗嗎?




All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-05-14T04:26

CA Software Engineer 工作機會

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-05-12T13:16
http://www.reputation.com/careers 只要是 Software engineer Backend/Frontend Randamp;D Web Designer Junoior/Senior 工作地點在 Redwood City, CA competitive compensation free lunch every d ...

史丹佛進修碩士online program

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-05-12T06:06
無意間看到人家介紹的. http://scpd.stanford.edu/certificates/mastersDegrees.jsp 如果你有名校情節,可是為了生活,必須工作無法做full-time student的話. 這個program很適 ...

Dragon Republic提供OPT extension機會

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-05-11T16:18
Drgaon Republic LLC is providing E-verify job opportunities for OPT extension students. With our OPT extension status, a student can expect to extend their OPT from 12 to 29 month depending on the job ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-05-10T14:29
目前人在台灣 明年將從前段國立大學電子所博士畢業 主要做數位ic設計方面 因為有綠卡身份 考慮到美國找工作 有幾點想請問前輩 1. 本土博士學歷應該 ...

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-05-10T14:27
各位板友好 我112碩班畢業(material science) (gpa BS:3.5, MS:3.9) 今年申請美國2011秋季班(EE: solid state physics)的結果 有拿到幾間phd和master的admission 站在人生的� ...