機械工程師德州台塑下游Lolita, TX - 海外工作

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2018-10-16T00:42

Table of Contents


1. Evaluate material and develop machinery and processes to
manufacture materials that meet design performance requirements.

2. Design and direct the testing and/or control of processing

3. Monitor material performance and evaluate material deterioration.

4. Analyze product failure data in order to determine causes of
problems and develop solutions.

5. Perform equipment abnormal analysis and recommend corrective

6. Conduct engineering evaluation on performance of machinery used on
manufacturing process.

7. Work to solve problems arising during the manufacturing process or
with the finished product, such as those caused by daily wear and tear or a
change of environment.

8. Support manufacturing operations with technical advice,
troubleshooting, collaborative problem solving, disposition of product
deviations, manufacturing process reviews, and material engineering guidance

9. Support the implementation of new technologies into product
specification applications.

10. Provide material engineering support for continuous improvements of
material and manufacturing processes.

Required Qualifications

1. B.S. degree in Metallurgy, or Mechanical Engineering.

2. Good written and oral communication skills.

3. Demonstrated technical, operational and troubleshooting
ability in a manufacturing environment.

4. Demonstrated interpersonal skills.

5. Require US work availability, OPT acceptable.

Sponsor H1/PR

有興趣請寄email至 [email protected]


All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-10-17T08:49
演殘看錯 原來是地名==
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-10-21T10:31
德州台塑下游跟德州台塑不同公司 兩公司薪資有差 不同HR
James avatar
By James
at 2018-10-26T02:23
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-10-29T00:23
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-11-01T01:48
Inteplast幾乎都正職 德州台塑才有可能是約聘
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-11-03T08:27
請問還有缺嗎? 已私訊了 謝謝
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2018-11-07T16:56
目前仍有2空缺, 目前只考慮有機械背景


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-10-13T20:10
☆本文已徵得purelegant板主同意☆ 代po,如有任何問題請寄表單內的信箱,或以推噓文詢問, 麻煩不要寄站內信喔。 ********************************************* ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-10-12T00:32
因為先前規劃業務,多了一個已經付費的英國倫敦地址信箱, 不能退款。業務上目前不使用。這地址郵務可以用一年。 請問這可以拿來做哪些合法用 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-10-10T10:28
您好 意外查到這篇文章 感謝原po的分享 請問目前還有在做與運動相關的工作嗎? --


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-10-10T01:21
※ 引述《sean2449 (肉鬆)》之銘言: : 因為這裡是海外工作版 : 不是 ”北美科技業” 工作版 : 多數的行業base就跟總薪資差不多 : 就算是科技業,也一堆�� ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2018-10-09T14:16
因為這裡是海外工作版 不是 ”北美科技業” 工作版 多數的行業base就跟總薪資差不多 就算是科技業,也一堆中小企業完全沒股票 真的是有錢人思想 ...