法國 Eurecom 徵 Ph.D. / PostDoc / Research Engineer - 海外工作

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-07-05T23:46

Table of Contents

Position1: 18 months PostDoc / Research Engineer
Position2: 36 months Ph.D.
Expected starting date: September 1st, 2017
Location: Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, in the French Riviera.
Description: A postdoctoral/Ph.D. position is available in the Communication Systems Department at Eurecom. The successful candidate will conduct experimental research in developing and applying machine learning techniques and data analysis in emerging 4G-5G computing applications, especially for the virtualized mobile edge network. Particular focus will be given in data-driven network management and control where the network decisions are made based on user and network predicted performances.
We plan to apply the data-driven control on the OpenAirInterface (OAI) software defined radio platform following SDN and NFV principles. Evaluation of mechanisms proposed will done through emulation and real experimentation in a small scale deployment at Eurecom.
The successful candidate will work closely together with research engineers and PhD students, in developing/improving strategies for 5G/LTE network performance optimization.

Essential experience for the interested applicants:
- Hold a PhD/Master degree or equivalent in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or a closely related area
- Have understanding of current technology landscape 5G, LTE (Rel 10-14), SDN/MEC/NFV, IoT
- Strong Machine Learning, data mining techniques, deep learning knowledge and experience
- Capable of managing large data sets and developing statistical models
- Solid C and Python programming skills
- Demonstrate an excellent level of spoken and written English.

Applications should be sent to:
Prof. Navid Nikaein, [email protected]

and must include the following information:
- A curriculum vitae, with full contact information, education, positions and academic work.
- A cover letter explaining the candidate's background (relevant publications), qualifications and research interests.
- Copies of relevant diplomas / degree certificates, transcripts of records, copies 2-3 recommendation letters.

More details for the job description


All Comments


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-07-05T12:20
小弟一直有夢想,想去海島國家工作,類似帛琉、關島、馬爾他之類的,但數字人力銀行 幾乎很少,不然就是飯店業的工作。想請問有沒有什麼大洋洲� ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-06-29T13:34
據我了解 去年11月開始陸客買儲蓄險的銀聯卡管道已經停止 香港保險的陸客商機應該會退燒 但最近又接到head hunter電話 說香港知名銀行在找專賣大陸�� ...

H4可以申請EAD card嗎?

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-06-28T00:09
我的律師說要等到我先生拿到綠卡以後才能工作 因為h4 的工作權益已經被取消了 請問是真的嗎? 雖然川普有說要取消,不過我查網路似乎還沒正式�� ...

香港investment management job

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2017-06-22T00:08
Firm: Value Partners (A leading asset management firm with USD 15 bn AUM) Job Description: Investment Management (Analyst) Job Location: Hong Kong Key Responsibilities: 뜠 Conduct due dilige ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-06-19T06:46
不知道這樣有沒有違反版規 有的話會立即刪除 小弟目前做software engineer將滿一年 期望能在9,10月左右搬到SF 想請求在SF工作的板友內推 今年沒抽到H1B �� ...