淡水馬偕 林時羽醫師實驗室誠徵碩士級助理 - 面試

By Agnes
at 2010-05-13T17:34
at 2010-05-13T17:34
Table of Contents
【徵才單位】淡水馬偕 醫研部 林時羽醫師實驗室
【工作內容】The recruited person is supposed to study on the fields of stem
cell biology and reproductive medicine. The candidate should have a master degree in life
sciences. People with skillful technologies in molecular biology (Southern,
Northern, Western blottings, RT-PCR, molecular cloning); cell cultures
(including stem cells); flow cytometry; tissue or cell immunostaining would
be most welcome.
【聯絡方式】電子郵件寄履歷表 合者面試
聯絡電話:(02)25433535 轉 林時羽 醫師
E-Mail:[email protected]
【徵才單位】淡水馬偕 醫研部 林時羽醫師實驗室
【工作內容】The recruited person is supposed to study on the fields of stem
cell biology and reproductive medicine. The candidate should have a master degree in life
sciences. People with skillful technologies in molecular biology (Southern,
Northern, Western blottings, RT-PCR, molecular cloning); cell cultures
(including stem cells); flow cytometry; tissue or cell immunostaining would
be most welcome.
【聯絡方式】電子郵件寄履歷表 合者面試
聯絡電話:(02)25433535 轉 林時羽 醫師
E-Mail:[email protected]
All Comments

By Annie
at 2010-05-14T18:12
at 2010-05-14T18:12

By Anthony
at 2010-05-18T14:17
at 2010-05-18T14:17

By Brianna
at 2010-05-23T13:26
at 2010-05-23T13:26

By Agatha
at 2010-05-28T07:45
at 2010-05-28T07:45
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