深圳英商新創公司徵資深硬體工程師 - 福利

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2020-06-12T13:07

Table of Contents

公司名稱: 玺得(深圳)科技有限公司 Ceed(Shenzhen) Ltd.


產 業 別:教育電腦 創客電腦開發

公司人數:深圳15 全球50左右

福利制度:績效獎金 免費咖啡 牛奶 每季team building活動 每月生日會


品牌名稱及公司一般稱 pi-top 公司網站如下


公司成立約5年多 CTO是牛津碩士畢業 也base在深圳 基本上是科技狂人
電子 機構 軟體他都會 而且非常年輕 也非常好的leader

在2019年初的BETT 英國教育展也展出我們一套的產品以及概念

我們的核心策略是教小孩子編程以及做任何電子/物理的project 亦即STEM education
而pi-top [4]是去年10月量產的明星產品 Further則是我們主推的線上軟體



深圳 南山 科技園
Sr. Electronic Engineer 月薪20k rmb起

Main responsibilities:
·Design new electronic products that fit into pi-top’s product ecosystem
·New product prototype and sample making
·Production support, technical troubleshooting
·Generate and maintain the release of technical documentation include ·
Circuit Diagram, PCB Layout, technical specifications, BOM, test
·Responsible for coordinating with the electronic component suppliers and
PCBA factory to solve technical issues
·Define the manufacturing specifications and process requirements for new
projects working closely with other teams in the company
·Lead the development of project proposals and statements of work for new
projects including outlining the technical resource requirements and proposed
project timeline to manufacturing
·Implement continuous process improvement measures from initial product
design through to production ramp of new development projects

Main requirements:
·7-10 years of experience
·EE Master degree preferred, bachelors necessary
·Must have experience using OrCAD Capture for schematic design
·Allegro PCB layout experience prefered
·Experience in DC/DC switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), USB-C PD and
Li-Ion battery charger design
·Good knowledge and experience of complex electronic circuit design and
microcontroller-based circuits
·Good understanding of the principles and working of computer peripherals
electronics, i.e. USB/I2C/UART/SPI protocols, high-speed display signal
designs i.e. HDMI/eDP/MIPI and analogue audios.
·Real hands-on experience with debugging EMI issues and resolving them for
product compliance testing
·Familiar with high volume consumer electronics design and NPI processes
(EVT, DVT, PVT etc)
·Ability to carry out root cause analysis for debugging and failure reporting
·Very good familiarity with electronic component supply chain, pricing and
performance - ability to communicate directly with suppliers to achieve
optimum design

Work well under pressure and as part of an international team (UK, USA and
Process-oriented mindset - ability to create well-made reports, documentation
and be able to plan and manage own tasks
Highly motivated to learn new skills and a positive attitude to solving
Excellent written English for working language is necessary
Excellent spoken English for working language is preferred


請直接mail你的履歷及資料給王小姐 [email protected]

中文版本的JD我就不貼啦 基本上我們歡迎有電腦/平板/筆電開發經驗的EE來嘗試
尤其有DC/DC 如buck/boost/charger電路設計經驗的會更合適

個人在這裡工作三年 獲得的成長是完全無法計算的
從你看issue的深度 到跟案子的整個視野與理解 甚至工廠端的一些安排與應對
CTO Ryan跟我基本上是好朋友 他是一個非常好的leader 而且是永遠都在工作的狂人
我們有很多革命的情感 一起做了很多案子 他也總是會在解決不了問題時跳下來幫忙
而在pi-top 做技術開發沒有所謂的政治 理論跟first principle engineering是老闆唯一?
而會空出這個職缺 也是因為我要去top 4的美商做EE了 這也是個人生涯規畫
但我會這麼說 如果我沒有在這裡三年獲得的成長 我可能也不一定有機會挑戰夢想中的美商

當然 在外商 技術方面又很常與英國team合作 英文基本的口語與讀寫還是要求的
只要一般溝通沒有太大問題即可 我想大部分台灣的工程師應該都還沒太大問題

對了 如果你會打乒乓 你會在這裡找到非常多的快樂 Ryan也幾乎是辦公室最強的 :)

Tags: 福利

All Comments

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2020-06-15T10:45
請問拿open hardware做案子 會有哪方面的成長?
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2020-06-19T08:45

樫山工業徵機械設計工程師 日本工作

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2020-06-12T11:39
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By Jake
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George avatar
By George
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