知名避險基金公司徵研究員(理工科背景佳) - offer

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-01-31T09:28

Table of Contents

※ 引述《tester (tester)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《HEALY (+黑利+)》之銘言:
: : 各位好,敝公司Adecco Personnel協助知名避險公司代徵研究員
: : (若版主覺得不適合,請直接刪除)
: : 職稱:研究員 Quantitative Researcher *3~5 (正職工作)
: : 工作地點: 北京/台北 (公司預計2013年 Q4在台北成立分公司)
: : 年薪:5~6萬美金 (第一年)
: : Company Profile:
: : As a Hedge Fund, the Company is pursuing "Absolute Return" investment strategy
: : (in contrast with a mutual fund is pursuing "Relative Return"). The Company has
: : consecutive positive yearly return (on average 15% ~ 20%) in last 14 years.
: : Even in dot.com bubble (2001) and Financial Crisis (2008), they have possitive
: : return (22.7% and 16.6%). Their fund has very good Sharp Ratio (above 3),
: : which means they get decent investment return by taking relatively few risks.
: : The Company is a fund with very steady and good investment performance (only
: : 3% Hedge fund around the world have this steady performance).
: : 公司背景:為一間追求絕對收益的跨國避險公司. 公司收益率一直以來, 維持穩定優異的
: : 報酬率. 即使在科技泡沫 (2001) 和金融海嘯 (2008)的高風險環境下,仍然維持優異的
: : 表現
: : Opening: Quantitive Researcher
: : Responsibility: Develop good mathmetic simulation models for financial
: : investments
: : Requirements:
: : - Engineering (EE, CS, ME, etc.) and analytical background (Math, Physics, etc.)
: : in leading university with at least top 25% Ranking in undergraduate degree.
: : (Transcript and Ranking certification is needed)
: : - Outstanding mathmatics academic/ research performances.
: : - Math/ Phisics Olympic medal winner (International or regional) is a big plus.
: : - Upper intermediate English communication skills
: : - Good communication skill in not very necessary
: : 徵才需求: 電機, 資工, 數學, 物理等理工科系背景. 需準備大學成績單和班排名文件證明
: : 有奧林匹亞或數理競賽/ 研究成果是重要加分項目
: : Annual Salary: USD $50,000~60,000/Yearly
: : Location: Newly hired employees will be working in Beijing for first 6 months
: : to 1 year. Candidates could choose to relocate to Taipei after completing
: : training in Beijing and demonstrate good independent research capability.
: : Employees with good performance may also be able to apply to relocate to the
: : US HQ after the second year performance evaluation. Taipei office is going to
: : be built up in 2003 Q4.
: : 工作地點:前六個月到一年,會在北京受訓和工作,目前預計2013年下半年在北京設立分
: : 辦公室.可選擇留在北京或回台北工作
: : Working Environment:
: : The Company is like a lab in the university with academic atmosphere. A new
: : researcher in the Company can choose their own mentor. The company offers new
: : employees 1~2 years training. They will work on good "formula" together,
: : develop mathematical models and read academic paper. The trainings employees
: : can have in the company are very valuable and rarely seen in this industry.
: : This is a very good envirnment for candidates who like doing quantitative
: : research and like to co-work with other super braind talents. The growth of
: : package could be tremendous if employees have good performance. With 6 years
: : work experience in the company, earning USD 1 million/ yearly is possible.
: 這根本是Ponzi嘛. 想要賺1 million就要承擔賠掉1 million的風險.
: 可是你在那個位置如果真的賠了1 million, 我想最多也只是被fire掉而已.

基本上大部分是賠 小部分賺

去年有個收益不錯的避險基金pine river 就有個團隊在北京


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/ (o _ o) \ 熊熊想進來戰!!!
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All Comments

H1B Transfer會受到時間上的限制嗎??

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-01-31T08:12
真的很感謝cchris大大,以前就久仰大名常常爬到您的推文,我想確定一下就是, 意思是申請到可以馬上開始工作 因為沒有cap限制?所以不用趕4月1號要 ...

H1B Transfer會受到時間上的限制嗎??

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-01-31T00:03
※ 引述《kooluo (Hope Springs Eternal)》之銘言: : 不好意思想請教各位大大,就是我之前用H1B在美國工作,日期為(2009年10月 : -2012年9月共三年)。然而我才工 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-01-30T23:34
各位好 近日接到人力資源公司的電話 說是要讓我去應徵新加坡幼教老師一職 工作內容是要教導幼兒中文的 今天過去那間公司面試 他跟我說的條件是 � ...

H1B Transfer的到期(Expiation Date)問題

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-01-30T23:09
不好意思想請教各位大大,就是我之前用H1B在美國工作,日期為(2009年10月 -2012年9月共三年)。然而我才工作不到半年就被裁員了,我也有馬上請律師幫 ...

申請Roth IRA和填寫W-8BEN的問題

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-01-29T16:56
現在用F1/OPT的身份工作 想趁4/15前開個Roth IRA的帳戶把2012的額度存進去 目前想在Vanguard開戶 但在線上填寫身份選擇Non-resident Alien時 被要求寄紙本並附 ...