知名避險基金徵研究員 - offer

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2014-08-13T15:04

Table of Contents

各位好,敝公司Adecco Personnel協助避險基金代徵研究員

Opening : Quantitative Researcher*2+
Location: Taipei (able to relocate to US after 3 years)
Package : USD 60,000~70,000+ performance bonus.
With 5~6 years work experience.
Earning USD 1 Million/annually is possible

Job Responsibilities:

Create mathematical models to simulate and predict the worldwide financial
markets movement.

Company Profile:

Our Client is one of the leading players in global quantitative trading.
They have consecutive double digit yearly return (15%~20%) in last 16 years.
Even in dot.com bubble (2001) and Financial Crisis (2008), they have positive
return. This fund has very good Sharpe Ratio (above 3), which means they get
decent investment return by taking relatively few risks. They have good
investment performance record.

Our client offers outstanding career opportunities, which include:

-A friendly lab environment for candidates who like doing quantitative research
-A rare opportunity to learn from investment expert
-An opportunity to relocate to the US or other location offices after 3+ years
work experience with good performance


-Leading Universities Ph.D./ M.S./ B.S. degree in highly analytical field
(ex: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Math)
-Ranked at least top 20% in B.S. degree (Transcript is needed)
-Have a research scientist mind-set, i.e., be a deep thinker, smart and creative
-Programming language C++ is not necessary but is a plus
-Interested in learning about worldwide financial markets
-Strong work ethic

Working environment & Training:

The working environment is like a lab in the university with academic
atmosphere. A new researcher will choose their mentor (Sr. Researcher).
The Company offers new employees 1~2 years training. They will work on good
"formula", develop mathematical models and read academic paper. This is a
very good opportunity for Engineering/Mathematical background candidates who
are highly interested in entering quantitative/ financial field.

Taipei Office:

Taipei office has been successfully built up in Oct 2013. Our client has an
expansion plan in Taipei office and is actively looking for highly potential

Contact Information
Bruce Chiu
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02-7718-8836

Introduction to Quantitative Investment:


-1959年 奧斯本發表<股票市場的布朗運動>,論文中肯定個股股價的分布狀況,應該趨近
於對數常態分布 (log-normal distribution)。

-1958~1960+年 碎形幾何重量級數學家曼德布洛特任職於IBM期間,對大宗棉花,黃金,石

-1960~1970+年 資訊理論之父夏農和愛德華˙索普合作,將其研究應用於金融領域,索普

-1970+年 具有物理學背景的布雷克和休斯合作,研究出期貨和選擇權定價公式
Black-Scholes model。

-1970~1980+年 知名混沌理論學者法默和派卡德用電腦算出微分方程,預測輪盤滾珠落點

-1993年 IBM削減研發經費,一些數學很強的科學家離開IBM到華爾街,進入全球頂尖的

-1990+年 研究臨界現象的地球物理學者索耐特,將研究纖維斷裂,地震的數學方法,應用
在研究金融危機,並成功預測1997/ 2007~08金融風暴。在2004年索耐特也使用其研究方

Tags: offer

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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-08-10T04:57
這位施主 看了您一串焦急的文章 想必您可能是第一次出國工作,非常緊張,這心情過來人都懂 但我想給您幾點建議 1- google是您的好朋友 香港是個很 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-08-10T03:50
近日得到某家 北歐公司於香港分公司的offer offer所有內容看起來就像是是當初面試主管自己打的,自己開立的。 (可能是香港分公司目前未有HR在) 內�� ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2014-08-08T23:27
如題 這幾天終於等到位於香港的某外商公司來信的offer letter 以及律師方面回覆有意協助申請工作簽證。 目前我在台灣仍在職中, 該香港工作offer上� ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2014-08-03T00:24
如題 自五月中面試下來,到六月底整體面試結束。 有家歐洲公司在香港辦公室要對某職缺找人, 後來,有幸得到該公司的錄取意願(主管email通知有�� ...

產業 vs. 地點

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2014-07-29T10:37
小妹有幸拿到兩個海外OFFER,但是有點煩惱該如何抉擇 希望版上有經驗的版友們可以指點一下 A. 電子配件業(打品牌 非打製造) 中資 職位: Sales Acco ...