矽谷新創 Tricella 徵 iOS Developer - 加班

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-04-16T23:16

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1OyuRp3A ]

作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] 矽谷新創 Tricella 徵 iOS Developer
時間: Sun Apr 16 22:59:59 2017

Tricella Inc.

B1, No. 343, Zhangchun Road, Songshan District,
Taipei City, Taiwan (台北辦公室)


iOS Developer 800,000 - 1,300,000 TWD/annum

- 致力透過軟硬體科技打造能連結教育、健康與人的醫療產品
- 團隊來自矽谷並曾受Fox News、Huffington Post等媒體報導
- 首波主打產品為注重使用者體驗、能連結 APP 提醒用戶服用

- Oversee software development of Apple platform which may
include but not limited to iOS, MacOS, Apple TV, Apple Watch
- Define and review software requirements for Apple platform
- Work with cross functioning team members to align overall
business objectives with software development roadmap for
the Apple platform
- Lead Apple platform development
- Define development schedule
- Drive development schedule and timetables
- Manage Apple software resource requirements
- Review productivity of software developers
- Attend relevant industry events/conferences including but not
limited to, Apple WWDC
- Some travel will be required
- Stay current on all Apple developer releases and hardware
- Propose job requisitions for Apple platform engineers and review candidates for Apple platform.

- Objective C
- Swift
- iOS corebluetooth
- App Background execution
- App state preservation and restoration
- 4 years experience of developing iOS applications
(good to have)
- High attention to detail
- Exceptional communication skills
- Proficient in English communication (written and oral)
- Familiar with project Managment tools such as
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- Trill
- Slack
- Atlassian suites
- Ability to accurately estimate time lines for deliverables


原則上09:00 - 18:00,但時間自由。彈性午休。







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社工 物流司機 不納責任制

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2017-04-16T13:02
社工物流司機不納責任制 2017/4/15 蘋果日報 http://m.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20170415/37618831 一例一休去年底上路後,許多行業為增加彈性、節 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-04-15T21:01
大家好~~ 請問美光生產工程師的工作~~會不適合女生做嗎?~~ 請問有人做過這份工作,待在無塵室的時間會很久嗎? 多久會輪大夜班一次? 平日上班會需要加班嗎? 不好意思問題有點多~~想要更了解這份工作,希望有好心人幫忙回答~~謝謝 非常感謝大家~~9999X - ...

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Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-04-15T15:35
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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-04-15T14:26
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Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-04-15T11:25
※ 引述《maker123 ()》之銘言: : 最近有到台達電中壢廠面談 甚至也談到HR那關了 : 我面試的不是RD單位 是幕僚單位 : 但人資單位似乎沒有給出清楚的答案 : 1.加班是否換補休 還是給予加班費? : 2.樓下員工餐廳 中餐 晚餐是怎麼刷卡算錢的? : 3.爬文看到新人第一年考績算D 現在還是常態嗎? : 那拿D 會有什麼後果? 要等下一個新人來自己才會脫離D? : 4.每個員 ...