矽谷新創Occipital 亞洲FAE - 工程師

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-06-18T14:31

Table of Contents


公司:Occipital, Inc

職稱:Field Application Engineer, Asia-Pacific



- 可能客戶位置:台北,深圳,上海,北京.....
- 公司總部:Boulder, CO / San Francisco, CA

Occipital為2008年成立的軟體公司,過去幾年來專注在Computer Vision, SLAM, Robotics vision, 3D scanning, room mapping等等領域,為該領域中數一數二強的技術公司。





公司官網 https://occipital.com/
目前主打的產品 跟你會比較有關係 https://occipital.com/tracking (跟此職位比較有關係)
Structure Sensor: https://structure.io/
Bridge https://bridge.occipital.com/
Canvas: https://canvas.io/
Tapmeasure: https://tapmeasure.io/

如果有問題,可以發信 [email protected] <= 這是我,我可以回答公司狀況等等問題,但是我不是工程師,所以技術相關問題不要問我。

如果想申請,請直接發英文履歷給 [email protected]


Field Application Engineer, Asia-Pacific

Occipital is one of the world’s leading SLAM and spatial computing companies. We are working hard not only creating cutting edge technology, but also selling our solutions to AR/VR HMD/Robotics companies around the world. We’re looking for a trailblazer to tap into the growing Asia-Pacific market. The candidate needs to be adept at hands-on coding in addition to providing customer-facing, local on-site support. This position would also involve account management further down the road.

Occipital is committed to creating spatially-aware solutions that just work. We love it when our products deliver a seamless computer vision experience, and so do our customers. We’re looking for engineers that want to develop and hone this experience on all of our platforms, large and small.

The Field Application Engineer role is multidisciplinary:
Cross-platform: Comfortable working on Windows, Linux, Android, macOS, etc.
Comfortable with software design principles, not just hacking around. You’ll be diving deep into the heart of our
systems, and you should know how to find your way around.
Great communication in both Mandarin and English: communicating solutions with clarity and courtesy to internal
dev teams, partners, and customers.
An engineer with business sense: You’ll perform a mix of engineering and sales/marketing/business development.
You should have the know-how to work through engineering problems, but also have the finesse to talk and work with external teams, and perform their job duties while reducing need support from the USA-side team.

Investigate, research, debug, and solve integration problems.
Perform demos for our potential customers in the Asia-Pacific territory, with occasional demo tweaking for special
Help our partners evaluate Occipital’s technology with the goal to make a design win with important customers.
Support partners with app development, support, and build technical demonstrations.
Build and sanity test release binaries, and push new releases to production.
Work with our internal and open source git repos, as well as our automated build & testing systems.
Build understanding about the wide variety of software across our platform at a deep engineering level.
Enhance, expand, and develop documentation, resource materials, and technical FAQs.
Profile and optimize complex computer vision applications, graphics, and UI.
Quickly develop prototype and sample applications for various platforms.
Manage and participate in developer discussion forums and support queues to debug and resolve technical/coding
Work around sometimes-strict deadlines, and know how to best organize priorities.
Reach out to many potential customers, engage with the right teams, and convince the right decision makers to
adopt our products and technology.

Self-motivated and able to work remotely while the core team is in the US.
Able to work with the engineering team on the technical side, as well as business development team on the sales
opportunities side.
Track many details (attention to detail) while maintaining the big picture.
Personable, and able to connect and build relationships within the industry.
Ability to take the initiative and promote Occipital products to partners.
Travel required in China, USA, Taiwan, and potentially Korea and Japan.
Great teamwork and interpersonal skills, strong written and verbal communication skills, proactive attitude, and a
drive for results.
Demonstrated creative problem-solving approach and strong analytical, debugging, and troubleshooting skills.

Experience working on Windows, Linux, Android, macOS, etc.
Experience with API design (.h files, documentation, sample code, etc).
Significant experience programming in C++, Objective-C, OpenGL, and scripting languages.
Understanding of 3D mathematics and algorithms.
Experience with Git version control, especially rebase, branching, and merging.
A history of shipping code: side projects, products, open source.
Bachelor or equivalent degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience in the industry.
Master or equivalent degree recommended.

2+ years experience of graphics and real-time performance optimization.
2+ years of experience in software engineering, release engineering.
Prior experience engaging with customers / outside developers directly.
Prior knowledge or hands-on experience in image processing or computer vision, robotics research and experience in mapping and navigation in visual SLAM and dense reconstruction.
Prior experience developing mixed and virtual reality applications.

To apply for this role, send an email including your resume to [email protected]


All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-06-19T14:35
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-06-23T02:22
所以樓上薪水多高 講出來給大家笑一笑
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-06-25T19:15
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-06-26T02:40
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-07-01T02:33
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-07-05T04:11
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-07-05T12:43
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-07-06T03:40
Uber 2009 小米2010 ...

ASML D&E Engineer

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-06-18T10:17
科技公司大致的工程師架構分為 1.CS 2.工廠 3.RD 在RD分家的公司 researcher大致上會探討一些物理特性 針對對一些細微的物理現象去做突破創新 而developer 大致上就把這些創新應用在產品上面 幾年前小弟在半導體學會看過一篇如何讓光罩變型不超過幾奈米的文章 要知道光罩在如此高瓦的光線穿透下還要維持uniformity不變 真是太厲害 到現在還記得 就像軍隊一樣 有衝鋒陷陣 ...

RW 代外商徵Blockchain Developer

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-06-18T03:15
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1R9hCqj4 ] 作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] RW 代外商徵Blockchain Developer 時間: Mon Jun 18 03:14:58 2018 【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵Blockchain Developer 官方網站:http://www.robertwa ...

RW 代外商徵Senior Win C++ Engineer

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-06-18T03:11
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1R9h7lxk ] 作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] RW 代外商徵Senior Win C++ Engineer 時間: Mon Jun 18 03:09:33 2018 【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵Senior Win C++ Engineer 官方網站:http://www.rob ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-06-18T00:24
IC 設計廠鈺創科技(5351) 董事長盧超群,當年是台大電機第一名畢業 拿到史丹佛電 機博士,進入美國IBM研發總部研發,創立鈺創科技今年上櫃滿20年,身為台灣半導體產 業先鋒,市場好奇他的第一桶金何時達陣,盧超群表示,他第一桶金就是在創立鈺創時達 成。 盧超群指出,1998年鈺創上櫃今年已滿20周年,近年半導體產業面臨轉型,鈺創也加速佈 局新戰略,這3~4年鈺創已將零組件朝異形整 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-06-17T23:35
請教一下,以下兩種同一家公司,但類型不同的工作, 假設都有應徵到,大家會選哪種? 公司 同公司 | 同右(同公司) | 職務 設備維護工程師 | 人資管理師 | 工時 08-17 | ...