矽谷新創Tresl招募網頁工程師/資料科學家 - 工程師

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-01-01T20:21

Table of Contents

Tresl, Inc.


1. 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94301
2. No. 2, Section 4, Nanjing East Road, Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan


Tresl is a technology company founded in the San Francisco bay area by
two Linkedin data scientists. We are building an ecommerce intelligence
platform that provides turn-by-turn directions for marketing optimization.

Modern brands on Shopify have taken an unconventional approach to building
billion-dollar businesses, but they lack the support required to unlock
customer value buried within their data.

Enter Segments Analytics to transform their customer data into actionable
marketing recommendations and segmentation that can be used across all
marketing channels. Digital customer journeys are multi-dimension and complex.

Stop wasting time and money replicating "best-practice" journeys with defaults
that don't work. Try Segments Analytics and access prebuilt segmentations
and marketing playbooks built by your personal data scientist.

1. Sr. Software Engineer, Full-Stack 年薪 1m - 2.5m 台幣
2. Front-end Engineer 年薪 750k - 2m 台幣
3. Data Scientist 年薪 750k - 2m 台幣

[工作內容/ 應徵條件]



創辦人為前任 LinkedIn 資料科學家,於資料科學、大數據領域有豐富經驗。



All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2021-01-04T22:45
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2021-01-09T21:55
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-01-10T05:49
cd阿 某樓沒常識 矽谷這鬼價請得起
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2021-01-14T16:31
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2021-01-15T22:52
cost down?


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2021-01-01T20:18
[公司名稱] Gogoro 睿能創意 [公司網址] https://www.gogoro.com/tw/ [公司地址] 1. 台北市松山區長安東路二段225號C棟11樓 2. 桃園市龜山區頂湖路33號 [公司簡介] 大都會的快速成長,讓我們對創新發明的要求,以解決城市的難題,推升至前 所未有的期 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2021-01-01T18:51
※ [本文轉錄自 Stock 看板 #1Vxke2n9 ] 作者: MA40433 (Masa) 看板: Stock 標題: [新聞] 梁孟松不走了!仍續任中芯聯席執行長 時間: Fri Jan 1 17:23:12 2021 1.原文連結: https://ec.ltn.com.tw/article ...

面板雙虎可望轉虧為盈 有機會恢復年度調薪

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2021-01-01T12:10
https://udn.com/news/story/7240/5138205 面板雙虎可望轉虧為盈 有機會恢復年度調薪 2021-01-01 02:43 經濟日報 / 記者李珣瑛 、康陳剛/新竹、台北報導 https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2020/03/09/2/7568973 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-01-01T10:22
今年營收、股價狂飆!聯發科笑傲江湖,都要從這台積電戰將3年前接班說起 https://www.storm.mg/article/3323687?mode=whole 一個深思經營策略,對於追求卓越永不止步,即使已然做到90分,也不放棄繼續走向100 分。一個帶領團隊治軍嚴謹,談笑間,不失幽默,面對挑戰, ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2020-12-31T23:35
回信要看輕重緩急, 還有要花多少時間回. 1~3分鐘搞定的, 大多立刻回. 要大概10分鐘搞定的, 重要的才回. PM/Leader在盯的, 也要立刻回. PM/Leader說不急的. 自己不是主要人員, 但能提供意見. 要拉Spec出來講很長一串的. Delay Status. 把小朋友/家事弄完再回. ...