科勝訊股份有限公司誠徵GUI工程師 - 工程師

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2014-09-18T08:13

Table of Contents

公司名稱: 科勝訊股份有限公司(http://www.conexant.com/)

職位名稱: GUI Engineer

工作地點: 台北市內湖區(近西湖捷運站)

‧Responsible for designing, implementing and modifying Graphical User
Interfaces (GUI)
application software to configure and control consumer PC devices and
‧Working with product marketing, customers PAE’s, FAE’s, and VLSI
engineering to design intuitive,
efficient and visually attractive user interfaces.
‧Working with graphic artists and creative services to develop custom skins,
icons and widgets.
‧Keeping up to date on industry trends in the application software
development area.

‧BSEE/MSEE/BSCS/MSCS or equivalent with 3+ years experience in application
software development
‧Fluent in C# programming, Visual C++, and C
‧Experienced in application software (GUI) development for the Windows
XP/Vista/Win 7 and Win 8 platform required; experience with writing
applications for Linux, Android and Mac OS is a plus.
‧Familiar with WinAPI, DirectX, GDI, .NET, MFC Frameworks/Programming.
‧Familiar with WPF is a plus.
‧Familiar with the basic functions of common PC peripherals/devices, such as
Audio, communications devices and input/output devices.
‧Basic understanding of Windows Driver Model (WDM), and Windows Driver
Framework (WDF)
‧Graphic art experience is also a plus
‧Strong communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment

工作時間:09:00 - 18:00

休假方式: 周休二日(特休優於勞基法)

薪資範圍: 年薪 NT 0.9M~1.3M

履歷投遞 : [email protected]


All Comments


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-09-18T00:53
想問一下各位前輩,小弟對機器人學有興趣,不知道機器人學在台灣好不好找工作?謝謝 --


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-09-18T00:17
請問有大大知道這家部門氣氛如何嘛? 職務:矽元件設備副工程師 公司:鼎元光電,看公司官方說主要生 產LED前幾年跨足無線通訊類 看職務�� ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-09-17T23:43
※ 引述《hqiamyomowjr ()》之銘言: : 面試公司:欣興電子山鶯廠 : 應徵職位:產品工程師 : 面試流程:仿多益英文測驗、智力測驗、人格特質測驗、面試 : ---� ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-09-17T23:02
代PO 朋友 國立科大畢業,最近面試南科UMC 一面8/26、二面8/29 職務是廠務電氣工程師,面試之後也有接到主管的電話拿到口頭offer 但是從二面完到現� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-09-17T22:55
常看媒體報導說2008~2010年,電子業收入只剩原本的70%,60%, 不知道大家在這幾年的收入是原本的多少% ? --