科勝訊股份有限公司誠徵軟體工程師 - 工程師

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2014-04-22T23:35

Table of Contents

公司名稱: 科勝訊股份有限公司(http://www.conexant.com/)

職位名稱: 軟體工程師

工作地點: 台北市內湖區(近西湖捷運站)

Software engineer, Android development

We are looking for someone with strong experience in Android Operating

You will drive the design of Conexant’s Android audio extensions
and all the way through a world-class implementation, and take it to

This is a hands-on individual contributor role.

Collaborate with cross functional groups such as product managers,
testers, application developers

Design & develop core extensions for Android OS/framework
Support functionality necessary for the Application developers, by
providing well-abstracted APIs

Own & maintain the Android platform, by participating in
code-reviews, from various contributors
Ensure the platform is compliant & stable for shipping, by keeping
a high standard for the platform code

B.S. Computer Science or 4+ years in relevant work experience
3+ years of Android OS/framework development experience

Experience in adding functionality to the Android OS
Passionate about building high-responsive, fault-tolerant, robust
libraries & extensions.

Fluency with Linux, C++ or C programming

Linux Driver experience preferred

Independent self-starter in a fast-paced environment, with
attention to quality

Experience with open source development

工作時間:09:00 - 18:00

休假方式: 周休二日(特休優於勞基法)

薪資範圍: 年薪 NT1.2M~1.6M

履歷投遞 : [email protected]


All Comments


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-04-22T23:28
安安洨弟魯蛇JJ分享HR親口說明的關於預聘變免役 or 提退的處理方式給大大分享唷QQ 1.免役後 and#34;原單位and#34;並不一定留職缺給你 因為免役之後原offer ...

HP 的 Program Manager

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-04-22T23:25
想請問一下 , 有沒有瞭解的人知道 Program Manager 在 HP 的定位? 爬文有看到剛畢業的 , 或是工作 2~3 年的 也有需要 6~10 年相關資歷的 不�� ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-04-22T23:22
大大們好 這學期過完準備要升大三了 對於未來出路沒有任何沒有頭緒 成績也沒有說很好 對電子系的興趣也沒很大 最近看到學長們考完研究所 成�� ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-04-22T22:49
※ 引述《mckinleyivan (菜播)》之銘言: : 這家版上討論的很少 : 請問有關電子工程師的職缺 與工時 : 內容就是PM 負責NPI導入相關事宜 : 但福利與制度 還�� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-04-22T22:17
只要有台電腦能登入104就行了, HR回到家還是能看到求職者的履歷, 所以這種現象其實也不代表什麼 ※ 引述《qqq543 (Galileo)》之銘言: : 剛剛8點多投完� ...