科技業對服貿的影響 - 工程師

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-03-23T15:12

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DFTz:台灣非常看不起大陸 但大陸也不是很看得起台灣的 03/20 21:08
DFTz:到是台灣太看得起自己 03/20 21:08


@ The Jerusalem Post http://0rz.tw/Soo8C

Emmanuel Lincot, chairman of contemporary China studies and vice dean for
international affairs at the Catholic University of Paris.

“This beginning of integration with China has presented a good opportunity
for Taiwan to emerge on the political and international stage,” he said. “It
’s been a smart move by Ma – integration through globalization.”

And Lincot further stated that Taiwan has not been – and will not be – the
only beneficiary of the cross-strait agreements. China, he said, may need
Taiwan more than Taiwan needs China.
中國也許需要台灣 超過 台灣需要中國

“The Communist Party in China is in crisis – and the biggest investor in
China now is Taiwan. Almost 30 million jobs in China depend on Taiwan, and
中國的最大外來投資者是台灣 中國境內有幾乎3000萬個工作 依賴著台灣
there is an interdependence between the two economies.

“China needs the support of Taiwan, it seems totally asymmetrical, but it’s
中國需要台灣的支持 這看似極為不對稱 但這是事實


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鴻海CESBG 系統規劃工程師

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2014-03-23T13:28
小魯工工碩畢新鮮人一枚 近日收到鴻海HR的面試邀請函 職務是系統規劃工程師 職缺內容: 1.PDM 系統規劃與推動 2.QIS (TMS, OTS, DFX, FA, Lesson Learned) ...

學生下通牒 馬不回應 將發動罷工罷課

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-03-23T12:46
沒當兵沒上過班就不要出來說嘴 這句話怎麼就是有人搞不懂啊? 當兵來說,現在當兵已經很輕鬆了 但是基本被磨被壓的事情還是有, 而且也是必須� ...

學生下通牒 馬不回應 將發動罷工罷課

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-03-23T12:39
※ 引述《boringlove (boring)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《luckysmallsu (B.J.T)》之銘言: : 我43歲 高階主管 理工社科學歷 有真正面對過社會的現實和壓力 有服過 ...

學生下通牒 馬不回應 將發動罷工罷課

George avatar
By George
at 2014-03-23T11:30
※ 引述《luckysmallsu (B.J.T)》之銘言: : 叫竹科罷工會不會想太多,GG如果停工一天損失可能都是N億起跳的 竹科怎麼可能罷工 多數竹科廠商都是既得利�� ...

學生下通牒 馬不回應 將發動罷工罷課

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2014-03-23T10:44
老實說,要竹科罷工比較難。不要說科技業,台灣除了單一公司外應該也 沒有全面罷工過。 但至少大家可以『照正常上下班規定來』。六點�� ...