美商 SW Engineer (HTML5/NODEJS) - 工程師

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-03-22T22:32

Table of Contents

Robert Walters 代美商徵

SW Engineer (HTML5/NODEJS)


1. Working on a variety of Engineering tasks as required by the team,
- New feature development
- Issue investigation and resolution
- Resolution verification / testing automation
- Researching new technologies
2. Ability and the needs of the team will dictate the projects you will work
on, including
- Front-end
- Back-end
- Database and API development.
3. To determine exclusively by the demonstration of your ability and the
results you achieve.

1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science
2. Knowledge of at least one OOP language (e.g. Java or C++)
3. Working knowledge of at least one of the following: NodeJS, HTML5/CSS,
Javascript client frameworks
4. Prior working knowledge of PHP, Actionscript preferred
5. Previous working experience in agile development teams is a plus
6. Attention to detail and think-outside-the-box mentality
7. Good command of English


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


(Actually depends on different background and working experience)


Send your resume to Ina Chang
[email protected]


All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-03-23T11:29
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-03-23T19:01
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-03-24T17:52
有考慮轉PO Soft_Job 版嗎?


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-03-22T22:04
※ 引述《longsea (無言)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《z110663 (^^)》之銘言: : : 雖然沒進去半導體公司, : : 但是滿好奇在Vendor端(如ASML、AMAT、KLA...)也有CE和PSE, ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-03-22T21:33
各位版大好 小弟 3年年資 目前在系統廠任職 無Design house經驗 (頂多會寫RTL...) 由於考量薪資結構與技術深度的培養,想轉入IC Design的產業, 目的為了之 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2015-03-22T21:14
各位好!(手機排版請見諒 不知道發這文有沒有違反版規(已讀過) 小弟現在正在攻讀機械研究所 平時很愛打球 也練過校隊(雖然不怎樣強XD) 突然有�� ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-03-22T21:04
目前公司要找and#34;資深電機工程師and#34; 可是要的是有建廠經驗的 最好也有國外建廠經驗 要會設計如何配電的 最好有甲種電匠等等資格 可是在 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-03-22T20:50
各位版上先進好, 最近有在考慮投Dow MEDP的職缺,看104上的工作敘述, 應該是可以學到很多的工作 (市場,專案執行,生產流程等)。 而且之後可以轉 ...