美商 SW Engineer (HTML5/NODEJS) - 工程師

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-04-28T00:01

Table of Contents


Robert Walters 代美商徵

SW Engineer (HTML5/NODEJS)


1. Working on a variety of Engineering tasks as required by the team,
- New feature development
- Issue investigation and resolution
- Resolution verification / testing automation
- Researching new technologies
2. Ability and the needs of the team will dictate the projects you will work
on, including
- Front-end
- Back-end
- Database and API development.
3. To determine exclusively by the demonstration of your ability and the
results you achieve.

1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science
2. Knowledge of at least one OOP language (e.g. Java or C++)
3. Working knowledge of at least one of the following: NodeJS, HTML5/CSS,
Javascript client frameworks
4. Prior working knowledge of PHP, Actionscript preferred
5. Previous working experience in agile development teams is a plus
6. Attention to detail and think-outside-the-box mentality
7. Good command of English


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


(Actually depends on different background and working experience)


Send your resume to Ina Chang
[email protected]



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資策會智通所 前瞻通訊研發工程師(中部)

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-04-27T22:32
資策會智通所 - 前瞻無線通訊研發工程師  【公司名稱】:財團法人資訊工業策進會  【工作地點】:南投市文獻路2號 (中興新村)   街景 https:// ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2015-04-27T22:24
※ 引述《dilson (中肯的話通常不好聽懂嗎)》之銘言: : 魯叔我覺得許多公司都有簽下去的策略 : 現在跟部隊一樣常常要你簽下去!! : 但建議若公司注重�� ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-04-27T22:07
請問各位 小弟4/23於新公司報到 剛才我用自然人憑證查詢個人的勞健保的投保紀錄 卻沒看到新公司有幫我投保的任何紀錄 請問公司有可能漏掉了嗎? ...

台灣佳能股份有限公司 (嘉義廠)

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-04-27T21:08
近日收到 光學技術員職缺 看敘述內容感覺是不錯 但實際不知如何? 想請教各位前輩 是否有待過或聽聞 能讓我更了解熟悉 謝謝 --


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-04-27T20:14
大家好 小魯弟是某大廠資深製程工程師 當初大家都說科技新貴 科技新貴 耳濡目染之下 就覺得大家都想進科技業 那這份工作應該是份好工作 可是� ...