美商AltiGen 徵 IT工程師 - 工程師

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-02-05T14:58

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1QT_wbX- ]

作者: sarosa (Sarosa) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] 美商AltiGen 徵 IT工程師
時間: Mon Feb 5 14:50:10 2018



Microsoft Network Operations Engineer

 We are seeking an experienced Hosted Operations Engineer to join our team.
We are looking for someone who has a strong technical background with
extensive knowledge of Microsoft solutions including System Center, Hyper-V,
Exchange, SQL, Dynamics, Lync or Skype for Business.
This individual needs to be a team player and has extensive experience in
Cloud hosted solutions.

-Provide tier 2 support for Altigen’s Technical Support Operations and
deployment teams.
-Lead in the resolution of issues that arise during the deployment phase
interfacing with AltiGen technical personnel, partners and service providers
ensuring customer satisfaction through the entire deployment process.
-Participate in development and refinement of procedures for managing and
monitoring new and existing Cloud service deployments.
-Participate and provide Cloud support for Skype for Business and 3rd party
network and telecommunications product testing and trials.

-BSEE/CS or equivalent and 5+ years technical experience with managing
Microsoft solutions including: Office 365, Windows Server, SQL, Exchange,
Lync, Skype for Business, Dynamics, Hyper-V, System Center.
-MCSE in Productivity Solutions is a plus
-Knowledge of Cloud hosting, VoIP, IP-PBX or Call Center solutions is a plus.
-Experience with virtual machine concepts, terminology, usage and
infrastructure management.
-Self-starter with the ability to learn new technologies with minimum
assistance and high sense of urgency and ownership.
-Excellent organizational skills.
-Excellent verbal and written English communication skills.
-Must have the ability to travel and work different time shifts as needed.

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否):否

薪資(月薪):NTD 65000up


 每日工作時間:8:00AM~5:00PM(中午休息 12:00PM~1:00PM)



AltiGen Communications, Inc. (OTCQX: ATGN) is a leading provider of 100%
Microsoft-based VoIP business phone systems and Hosted Skype for Business
Unified Communications solutions. Having more than 10,000 customers around
the world, AltiGen solutions are designed for high reliability, ease of use,
seamless integration to Microsoft infrastructure technologies, and are built
on a scalable, open standards platform. AltiGen's worldwide headquarters is
in Silicon Valley, California, with international operations based in
Shanghai, China. Local sales, service and support are provided by AltiGen's
worldwide network of over 300 certified partners. For more information, call
1-888-ALTIGEN or visit the web site at www.altigen.com.

 聯絡人:Kevin Yang
 E-mail: [email protected]


All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-02-10T10:20
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-02-12T01:19

陳良基:台灣科技成功 奠基於小國大戰略

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-02-05T13:39
台灣科技成功。是歸功於早期分紅發股票(以10元計價政策) 每位工程師都拼命為了公司的估價一直研發新產品 每位都賺飽飽 消費力超強 而且都敢生小孩 買的起房子 幹!不知道那位廢總統把這麼好的政策改掉 搞到大家都變魯蛇 - ...

東南亞薪情好 恐失代工優勢

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-02-05T13:30
這個影響對台灣其實滿大的 台商在東南亞佈局很久了,遠比政府什麼新南向還要早 但是佈局的位置大多在中南半島上,也就是越南泰國馬來西亞柬埔寨印尼 對東南亞的國家來說,他們也開始轉移低階生產到南亞也就是印度孟加拉一帶 但台灣卻很難,因為要通往南亞的海運得要穿過麻六甲海峽 也就是你的貨櫃大部分要在新加坡轉口,新加坡就靠這個地理位置噱錢的 但長此以往下去,東南亞工資越來越高的情況下台商還是會轉戰的 但我 ...

工程師升RD主管只加3千 他嘆「香蕉吃多

William avatar
By William
at 2018-02-05T12:42
工程師升RD主管只加3千 他嘆「香蕉吃多了就變猴子」 蘋果 https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20180205/1291658/ 從工程師升上RD(研發)主管,薪水會加多少?有網友在mobile01上發文表示,自己是機 構工程師,最近老闆要他當RD組長,還說有多3000元津貼,一聽到老闆這番話,決心領完 年終換工作了,因為香蕉吃多了也會變猴子。 網友 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2018-02-05T12:36
安安各位學長 前陣子和昨天都有地震 看大家普遍好像都蠻開心的 因為可以趁亂把以前的破片拿出來報 不過小弟有個疑問 如果是產品破片藏起來 到下一家不就馬上發現有少了嗎? 還有報廢的時候不是都會掃wafer的刻號嗎 一掃下去不就知道不是當下在機台的wafer了嗎? 所以各位學長是怎麼辦到趁亂報廢的啊!? 老司機帶帶我 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone ...

東南亞薪情好 恐失代工優勢

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2018-02-05T11:13
https://udn.com/news/story/7238/2958817 2018-01-30 23:59聯合報 編譯謝汶均/綜合外電 在政治考量和經濟成長等因素帶動下,東南亞各國的薪資正持續成長,預料漲幅甚至將超 過通貨膨脹率。不過,隨著勞動成本不斷上揚,東南亞可能失去身為製造業替代生產基地 的吸引力。 許多東南亞國家的領導人正把承諾調漲薪資,當作吸引選票的利器。柬埔寨總理洪森近期 ...