美商DevOps Engineer - 工程師

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2015-03-31T22:39

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[徵才] 美商DevOps Engineer
Robert Walters 代美商徵

DevOps Engineer

‧ Working on the implementation and maintenance of the server infrastructure
that makes our Cloud platform tick along nicely. Including:
- Monitoring servers
- Deploying package updates programmatically
- Implementing web server APIs and service outage resolution.
1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science
2. Experience using AWS (Amazon Web Services)
3. Previously worked as a DevOps/Systems or Systems Administrator
4. Hands on experience with UNIX-like servers administration
5. Knowledge of scripting languages such as Bash, Shell or Python
6. Experience with nodeJS, Chef, Puppet, Docker or OpsWorks desirable
7. Attention to detail and think-outside-the-box mentality
8. Good command of English


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


(Actually depends on different background and working experience)


Send your resume to Ina Chang
[email protected]


All Comments


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-03-31T19:11
當跳板還OK 公司能見度高就是一個很強大的優點 有不少人轉到其他的component廠當FAE或PM 如聯詠 還有大陸面板廠、或者是台灣的外商辦公室 最近聽到的� ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2015-03-31T17:49
最近想應徵到明基電通工作 職務是影像軟體工程師 想請教有經驗的前輩 明基的工作環境與工作氣氛 未來發展性如何 因為小弟真的不熟悉 希望能�� ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-03-31T15:39
請教各位大大們, 光寶科技光林照明事業部的薪資福利如何呢? 在下要去面試工程師,請問智力及英文測驗是考那些呢? 聽說有中翻英/英翻中嗎? 以上! 謝� ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-03-31T11:03
金兆益股份有限公司 最近接到這間公司的面試通知 版上沒有關於這間公司的文章 查了一下 是在做一些化學分析儀器 還有高純度化學試劑 主要對半導�� ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-03-31T10:47
Rtk 結構性調薪了 聽說依照年資10k-20k 有沒有接下來換那家的消息 --