美商Samtec實習生招募 - 福利

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-07-04T23:34

Table of Contents


實習職缺:Signal Integrity Engineer(表現良好畢業後可得到正職offer)




時間:Flexible 16 hrs. per week(Monday-Friday;08-17)



聯絡方式:請投遞履歷與在校成績至[email protected] (02-7727-4060#7159)


Signal Integrity Co-op Syllabus


*Learn how SI lab works
*Work with SI lab engineer
*Learn SI data and analytics
*Assist on measurement of RF cable assemblies
*Assist on measurement of a high speed connector

2.Equipment & Systems Used:

*PNA and TDR
*PLTS and Matlab

3.Skills Learned:

*Make Reports
*Analyze on a highspeed connector and RF cable assemblies
*Data analysis
*Working with other cultures
*Writing work instructions and SOP.

4.Preferred Skills:

*Passion for learning new things
*Flexibility to change pace quickly
*Basic Excel
*Basic computer skills

Samtec profile

Samtec inc. is the service leader in the electronic interconnect industry.
Founded in 1976, we are a privately held, $600,000,000 global manufacturer of
a broad line of electronic interconnects, including high speed, micro pitch,
rugged/power, and flexible board stacking systems, cable assemblies and
components, IP68 sealed I/O, and RF components and cables, and based in New
Albany, Indiana, USA. Samtec is registered with a 5-A1 Dun and Bradstreet
rating, the highest available for a corporation this size.

Samtec has numerous locations worldwide with 33 locations in 18 different
countries. Our corporate headquarters and primary manufacturing facility is
located in New Albany, Indiana. Manufacturing is also done in Taiwan,
Singapore, Malaysia, China and Costa Rica. Samtec has Sales and Customer
Service facilities throughout Europe and Asia.

Please see http://www.samtec.com/about-us/corporate-profile.aspx for more
company profile.
For more company information, please visit www.samtec.com.

We are building a new facility in New Taipei city and seeking for elite to
join our team.


All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2018-07-05T13:14
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-07-10T06:06
189*240=43200 就普通的碩士薪資
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-07-12T23:53
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-07-14T03:43
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-07-16T10:54
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-07-17T10:15
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-07-18T13:36
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-07-22T14:02
老實說 這個公司有點強 但這個做法太免洗 不欣賞


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-07-04T01:43
各位前輩大家好 先做個人自我介紹,國立後段科大畢業 在澳洲當了兩年的英文菜鳥,修了一間無關緊要的二專畢業 這陣子小弟有幸得到了旺矽的FAE邀請 核薪為 N+10K*14 + 分紅 N為原公司薪資 福利就像版上講得差不多 想請問版上各位前輩關於這間公司的內部風氣如何? 加班的狀況及他們所謂的分紅狀況又是如何呢? 感謝前輩們的提點和指導了 - ...

Offer 力晶/華通

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2018-07-03T22:06
板上的前輩大家好, 小弟四中非電碩,四年多PCB產品工程師經驗,今年剛滿30 因在現職薪水沒有往上成長的空間 年後利用每月排休陸續面了幾間公司 有幸拿到以下offer 公司 力晶 華通 職稱 黃光設備 產品工程師 地點 新竹P12 南崁 薪資 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-07-03T00:09
嗨~各位年薪好幾百W的前輩嗎? 小弟即將要去面試此職缺~ 故請各位先貝輩可以不吝指教需要注意的事項. 比方公司前景及此職缺的工作內容薪資福利...等! 謝謝大家~~ - ...

浩鼎年薪390萬稱霸上櫃 觀光業最慘僅23.7

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-07-02T19:23
※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板 #1REWhRXr ] 作者: Zoanthropy ($$) 看板: Tech_Job 標題: Fw: [新聞] 浩鼎年薪390萬稱霸上櫃 觀光業最慘僅23.7 時間: Mon Jul 2 19:22:01 2018 ...

浩鼎年薪390萬稱霸上櫃 觀光業最慘僅23.7

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-07-02T19:22
※ [本文轉錄自 Stock 看板 #1REMdRFA ] 作者: cjol (勤樸) 看板: Stock 標題: [新聞] 浩鼎年薪390萬稱霸上櫃 觀光業最慘僅23.7 時間: Mon Jul 2 07:55:06 2018 ※ [本文轉錄自 cjol 信箱] 作者: skyyo (專注) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 浩鼎年薪390萬稱霸上櫃 觀光業最慘僅23.7 時 ...