美商博通徵長期實習生22079新竹 限在學生 - 工程師

By Ina
at 2012-12-06T17:02
at 2012-12-06T17:02
Table of Contents
長期工讀, 6個月以上, 視專案調整
職務類別: 數位IC設計工程師
工作待遇: 依公司規定
工作性質: 長期工讀 限在學生
上班地點: 新竹市埔頂路25號
上班時段: w1-w5 0900-1800 皆可排班,每週需滿20小時,亦可上滿40小
可上班日: 兩週內
需求人數: 1至5 人
Join the world-class team to develop next generation high speed SME
networking chip. The candidate will have hands-on experience to work with
senior designers on all aspects of IC-design. In addition, the candidate will
have an opportunity to expose to the latest state-of-art design technology
and methodology. The candidate will also involve in
‧Design/Verification flow for networking SoC
‧Work with team members to execute design verification plan
‧Get familiar with tool chain for digital IC design flow
‧Help to trouble-shooting and root-cause design issue
‧Undergraduate (senior year) or 1st/2nd year of graduate study in Electrical
Engineering or Computer Science.
‧Familiar with UNIX/LINUX platform and logic design are required
‧Familiar with any of the following will be a plus.
A)Networking background
B)Verilog and System Verilog knowledge
C)SHELL/PERL scripting
D)C/C++ programming
工作經歷: 不拘
學歷要求: 碩士班以上 限在學生
科系要求: 電機電子工程相關、資訊管理相關、資訊工程相關
語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /略懂、說 /略懂、讀 /略懂、寫 /略懂
‧Undergraduate (senior year) or
1st/2nd year of graduate study in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.
‧Familiar with UNIX/LINUX platform and logic design are required
‧Familiar with any of the following will be a plus.
A)Networking background
B)Verilog and System Verilog knowledge
C)SHELL/PERL scripting
D)C/C++ programming
◎面試時間: 請給定日期、時間
→收到履歷後會陸續面試, 約一周後
公司地址: 臺北市內湖區瑞光路399號9樓
Diana 林 ([email protected]) 02-2656-6254
職務類別: 數位IC設計工程師
工作待遇: 依公司規定
工作性質: 長期工讀 限在學生
上班地點: 新竹市埔頂路25號
上班時段: w1-w5 0900-1800 皆可排班,每週需滿20小時,亦可上滿40小
可上班日: 兩週內
需求人數: 1至5 人
Join the world-class team to develop next generation high speed SME
networking chip. The candidate will have hands-on experience to work with
senior designers on all aspects of IC-design. In addition, the candidate will
have an opportunity to expose to the latest state-of-art design technology
and methodology. The candidate will also involve in
‧Design/Verification flow for networking SoC
‧Work with team members to execute design verification plan
‧Get familiar with tool chain for digital IC design flow
‧Help to trouble-shooting and root-cause design issue
‧Undergraduate (senior year) or 1st/2nd year of graduate study in Electrical
Engineering or Computer Science.
‧Familiar with UNIX/LINUX platform and logic design are required
‧Familiar with any of the following will be a plus.
A)Networking background
B)Verilog and System Verilog knowledge
C)SHELL/PERL scripting
D)C/C++ programming
工作經歷: 不拘
學歷要求: 碩士班以上 限在學生
科系要求: 電機電子工程相關、資訊管理相關、資訊工程相關
語文條件: 英文 -- 聽 /略懂、說 /略懂、讀 /略懂、寫 /略懂
‧Undergraduate (senior year) or
1st/2nd year of graduate study in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.
‧Familiar with UNIX/LINUX platform and logic design are required
‧Familiar with any of the following will be a plus.
A)Networking background
B)Verilog and System Verilog knowledge
C)SHELL/PERL scripting
D)C/C++ programming
◎面試時間: 請給定日期、時間
→收到履歷後會陸續面試, 約一周後
公司地址: 臺北市內湖區瑞光路399號9樓
Diana 林 ([email protected]) 02-2656-6254
All Comments

By Hazel
at 2012-12-10T05:57
at 2012-12-10T05:57

By Aaliyah
at 2012-12-12T23:19
at 2012-12-12T23:19

By Rae
at 2012-12-17T10:43
at 2012-12-17T10:43

By Wallis
at 2012-12-18T10:27
at 2012-12-18T10:27

By Anonymous
at 2012-12-20T07:45
at 2012-12-20T07:45

By Iris
at 2012-12-22T11:37
at 2012-12-22T11:37

By Lucy
at 2012-12-26T08:16
at 2012-12-26T08:16

By Megan
at 2012-12-30T05:16
at 2012-12-30T05:16

By Zenobia
at 2012-12-30T08:02
at 2012-12-30T08:02

By Ethan
at 2012-12-30T19:42
at 2012-12-30T19:42

By Jack
at 2012-12-31T07:22
at 2012-12-31T07:22

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-01-03T09:11
at 2013-01-03T09:11
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