美商徵才-搜尋品質評估員 - 網站

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2013-03-07T14:47

Table of Contents

公司名稱:Leapforce, Inc.
   公司地址:Leapforce, Inc.
7901 Stoneridge Drive #555
Pleasanton, California 94588
   公司電話:+1 925-730-0073
公司Email:[email protected]
備  註:

Leapforce helps the world’s leading search engine companies measure,
evaluate and improve the quality of their search engine results.
We are launching a new program and are in need of highly qualified
Search Quality Judges. If you have prior search evaluation experience
or have experience in quality rating, on any other project, we are
interested in hearing from you!

Search Quality Judges will need to combine a passion for analysis with
an understanding of various online research tools. Applicants must be
detail oriented and have a broad range of interests. Search Quality Judges
review web related search information and provide quality evaluation on
tasks provided.

This position will require analyzing content for the country of Taiwan.
Therefore knowledge of Taiwanese social culture, media, and web culture
is imperative.


To apply, please visit:


* Have in-depth, up-to-date familiarity with Taiwanese social culture,
media, and web culture.
* Excellent comprehension and written communication skills in English,
Traditional Written Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.
* Broad range of interests, with specific areas of expertise a plus.
* University degree or equivalent experience (degrees in-progress
are acceptable). Advanced degrees a plus.
* Excellent web research skills and analytical abilities.
* Ability to work independently under minimal supervision.
* Possess a high speed internet connection (DSL, Cable Modem, etc.)
* Search Quality Judges must currently reside in Taiwan.



This is a short term project, with the possibility of additional work
in the future.

◎酬勞:$10 USD/h




* Research and be able to determine from search results the main intent
of query terms.
* Able to recognize (or learn the meaning from research) and categorize
entities from popular search queries.
* Understand the difference between specific, named entities and generic terms.
* Demonstrate an understanding of Taiwanese pop culture.
* Possess knowledge of the search industry to correctly decide what kind
of results (news, images, etc.) would satisfy a user’s request.
* Work carefully, pay attention to details, and do not make careless
mistakes or misspellings.
* Work at a quick pace without over-thinking each answer.
* Able to communicate the reasoning behind their categorizing decisions.
* Interpret user misspellings and other garbled behavior to decipher
what the user is likely to want.


Hello! 不好意思po了一連串的英文,


由於公司在美國, 所以薪水是付美金
我只是代po, 所以如果有任何問題也歡迎你直接聯絡HR:

Elizabeth Colbert-Zimmerman
[email protected]

她人非常好, 相信他會很樂意回答你任何問題的!


Best of Luck for job hunting everyone!



Tags: 網站

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-03-12T13:28
已上網站申請 會有回音嗎?
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-03-16T11:04
我有回音 不過有地方不清楚要怎麼弄耶 有人也收到嗎
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-03-16T12:38

Re: 最近接到大陸mail的合作案

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-03-07T09:37
有對方公司地址。 公司網站。 和聯絡電話。 想請教要査詢這家公司是否存在? 要上大陸工商網查詢嗎? ※ 引述《ytktyut (james)》之銘言: : 對方表示� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-03-04T17:12
◎ID∕暱稱:sundrops / 小茵 ◎性別:女 ◎年次:72 ◎地區:大台北 ◎專長領域∕專長工具:文字、攝影、聲音∕數位單眼相機 ◎現況:朝9晚7上班�� ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-03-04T04:14
◎公司資料:   公司名稱:就這間電腦工作室    公司統編:30185757 更多: http://olc.tw/about ◎聯絡方式∕對象: http://olc.tw/contact ◎徵求條�� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-03-01T15:55
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◎公司資料:   公司名稱:威華資訊科技 http://www.7-buy.com    公司統編:    公司地� ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-02-27T16:47
◎徵求條件:具以下條件其一即可 1. asp.net 網站開發, 資料庫操作 經驗 2. iOS, Android APP 開發 經驗 3. 網站介面設計、切版 經驗 ◎聯絡 ...