美商法里亞 Site Reliability Engineer - 福利

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2019-06-05T19:04

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待PO 很棒的一間公司


美商法里亞徵才 Site Reliability Engineer



Faira 教育集團成立於2006年,幫助學校從傳統的紙上辦公轉向使用課程為中心的線上學
習平台。今天,Faria為全球超過一萬所學校,三百多萬學生提供3套產品服務。 ManageB
台Atlas,幫助學校實現課程協作規劃,課程資源共享以及課程分析。 Faria在全球8個辦



Taipei, Taiwan


* Reliably automate the server provisioning process to reduce the labour of ou
r R&D team

* Building scalable infrastructure to manage high-load, concurrent sessions to
support ~50 mm monthly page views and 500k+ active users

* Drive the company through “Disaster Recovery Tests”, where we manually tur
n down pieces of infrastructure to test products overall resilience to failure

* Implement the systems and processes that Product Developers use to deploy th
eir software into production

* Build an auto-remediation system to automatically resolve production inciden
ts before escalating them to on-call Developers

* Because of the nature of SRE work you should also be prepared for on-call sh
ifts and potential “all-hands-on-deck” situations at any hour of the day or
night. Minimizing those situations is part of your job!


* Annual NTD $1,680K ~1,980K

* Health and Wellness budget: NTD $1,500 per month

* Career and professional growth

* Cozy fully-equipped office in Taipei. Free coffee, drinks and snacks.

* Great work-life balance with flexible working hours and some free office lun
ches, remote-friendly

* Paid vacation and stipend for Language classes, gym, IT events, etc

* Dedicated AWS account for infrastructure automation testing, development and
general learning

* Retina MacBook Pro or another laptop of your specification, peripherals and
displays included

* Books, library & conference budget

[條件 REQUIREMENTS] : see more details here https://www.workable.com/j/E9BE41F

▍應徵方式 ▍
Please apply here if you're the one we're looking for: https://www.workable.co
or email [email protected]

投履歷時請附上作品或 github


All Comments


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-06-04T21:12
[公司名稱] 智飛科技股份有限公司 http://www.taiwan-uav.com/ [職缺名稱] 無人機 研發工程師 [工作內容] 1.商/軍用 無人飛行載具設計與製造。 2.無人飛行載具飛行測試。 3.視專長參與或執行研發專案。 (無人機外型、結構設計、引擎動力系統設計、複合材料設計與製造、飛控系 ...

Offer選擇 (業界工安/醫院個管師)

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2019-06-04T19:33
不知道適不適合在這邊po 小妹大學護理系畢業當了臨床輪班了2年,之後去打工旅遊2年。 回國後利用3個月時間把廠護以及安衛管理員乙級的課程+證照考到 上了工安的課程覺得還蠻有興趣的,吸引我的理由如下: 1.循著這些法條規定可以創造出一個安全的環境,讓工程師在裡面可以安心工作 2.有自己的專業可以跟老闆建議討 ...

岱稜科技誠徵 軟體開發工程師

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-06-04T18:07
公司名稱:岱稜科技 公司介紹:https://www.univacco.com/tw/career_benefit_train.php 【工作職缺】 軟體開發工程師 【工作內容】 1. 負責.net程式撰寫。 2. 進行軟體之測試與修改。 3. BI(商業智慧)開發。 4. 熟悉MES者優先面試。 【徵 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-06-04T16:29
★機構名稱:雲林縣政府社會處婦幼及少年福利科 ★職缺類別:約用社工員 ★工作地點:雲林縣政府社會處(雲林縣斗六市府文路22號4樓) ★工作時間 ...

面試心得分享: Google

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2019-06-04T15:35
終於有機會把這篇十年前的文章做個結尾, 也很可能是我職業生涯最後一次寫白板找工作, 這種面試方式真的太累了, 尤其年紀到了之後幾乎不可能這樣面試 0. 投履歷 2018年四月,反正要找工作要面試就一次全部考完, 所以發瘋上網投了FAMG, Google這個是投Software Engineer, TPU/A ...