美國主要城市工作搜尋困難度指數(2010年1月) - 美國

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-01-25T14:45

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Juju.com Releases Job Search Difficulty Index for Major Cities (January 2010)

New York, NY--January 2010 -- Juju.com, a leading job search engine, has
released the updated Job Search Difficulty Index, which measures the
difficulty of finding employment in major cities around the country. The
Index was calculated by dividing the number of unemployed workers in each
metro area, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), by the
number of jobs in Juju's comprehensive index of millions of online jobs in
the United States, which is compiled and updated continuously from thousands
of employer career portals, recruiter websites, and job boards all over the

Job Search Difficulty
(Least -> Most) Metro Change Since Last Ranking
Unemployed Individuals Per Advertised Job Population Rank
1 Washington, DC 0 1.93 9
2 San Jose, CA 0 2.50 31
3 Baltimore, MD 0 2.93 20
4 Salt Lake City, UT 2 3.22 49
5 New York, NY 0 3.32 1
6 Hartford, CT 1 3.47 45
7 Boston, MA -3 3.72 10
8 Denver, CO 0 3.95 21
9 Austin, TX 1 4.06 36
10 San Antonio, TX -1 4.40 28
11 Oklahoma City, OK 0 4.48 44
12 Pittsburgh, PA 2 4.83 22
13 Virginia Beach, VA -1 5.02 35
14 Seattle, WA 4 5.10 15
15 Milwaukee, WI 1 5.11 39
16 Indianapolis, IN -3 5.15 33
17 Richmond, VA -2 5.23 43
18 Dallas, TX -1 5.27 4
19 St. Paul, MN 3 5.39 16
20 Philadelphia, PA -1 5.42 5
21 San Francisco, CA -1 5.77 13
22 Nashville, TN 4 5.90 38
23 Phoenix, AZ 5 5.92 12
24 Houston, TX 0 5.94 6
25 Kansas City, MO 0 6.02 29
26 New Orleans, LA 3 6.03 46
27 Atlanta, GA -4 6.05 8
28 Charlotte, NC 2 6.33 34
29 Columbus, OH -2 6.33 32
30 Cleveland, OH -9 6.45 26
31 Louisville, KY 2 6.86 42
32 Rochester, NY -1 6.89 50
33 Buffalo, NY 1 7.13 47
34 San Diego, CA 1 7.17 17
35 Tampa, FL -3 7.43 19
36 Chicago, IL 0 7.56 3
37 Cincinnati, OH 0 8.16 24
38 Memphis, TN 1 8.40 41
39 Jacksonville, FL -1 8.75 40
40 Birmingham, AL 3 9.14 48
41 Providence, RI 1 9.18 37
42 Portland, OR -2 9.26 23
43 Orlando, FL -2 9.28 27
44 Sacramento, CA 1 10.61 25
45 Las Vegas, NV 1 10.72 30
46 Los Angeles, CA -2 10.82 2
47 Riverside, CA 0 11.90 14
48 Miami, FL 0 14.06 7
49 St. Louis, MO 0 18.63 18
50 Detroit, MI 0 20.01 11

The Job Search Difficulty Index provides a useful guide to the relative
difficulties faced by job seekers in particular geographies, but should be
considered in the context of the well known challenges of measuring and
analyzing unemployment data.

Press Contact: [email protected]


Tags: 美國

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-01-27T01:14
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-01-30T04:40
Unemployed Individuals Per Advertised Job
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-01-30T12:22
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-02-01T16:08
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-02-04T13:49
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2010-02-07T15:40
人在DC(1)前天送朋友去機場去底特律(50)面試 XDDDD
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-02-10T11:23
St. Louis是為什麼這麼慘? 有什麼原因嗎? 只贏detroit
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-02-11T11:56
這個條目或許可以參考一下 http://0rz.tw/wvRbN


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-01-25T13:40
開始工作後第一次回台灣(終於有錢了!) 想在台灣設一個帳戶,要匯錢回家或是買台灣東西的時候比較方便 請問大家有沒有甚麼建議 比方說開甚�� ...

美國CPT 畢業後接續OPT的問題

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-01-23T12:17
有點複雜的情形 我去年八月底申請CPT 因為我們學校要求 225小時的實習 上學期我一個禮拜大概做四小時 當然沒辦法做完 於是持續一直做到現在 我們� ...

[問題] OPT extension 出境

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-01-23T06:37
我現在的情況是 我的opt在09年2/25就開始了 所以2/24/2010到期 我還留在美國的原因是從opt開始我就有employed 一值做到12/31/09 之後另外找新的工作 目前手上� ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-01-23T01:27
請問,學什麼一技之長才容易在美國生存 小弟朋友有親戚在美國有小生意 朋友說以後也許會找我一起去美國打拼 小弟跟朋友 都只是大學畢業~他專長� ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-01-23T00:59
※ 引述《mk2 (帥氣美國會計師)》之銘言: : 給原波打打氣. : 因為你對美國誤解蠻大的.還有不少台灣人誤會美國也誤很大. : 回學校蹲,想學別人不會的專 ...