美國馬里蘭大學-徵博士後及研究助理 - 美國

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2023-02-13T11:56

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※ [本文轉錄自 Bio-Job 看板 #1ZwRD4J6 ]

作者: doubleG (Everything dies..) 看板: Bio-Job
標題: [徵才] 美國馬里蘭大學-博士後及研究助理
時間: Mon Feb 13 11:49:22 2023

【職缺名稱】Postdoctoral Research Fellow

【徵才單位】Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR)
University of Maryland

【工作地址】9600 Gudelsky Dr, Rockville, MD 20850

The research will be performed in the laboratory that focuses on
investigating the B cell/antibody responses targeting the envelope
glycoproteins of HIV/Ebola/Zika viruses and novel immunogen/therapeutics
design. The laboratory has extensive collaborations and interactions with
leading scientists in immunology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and
structural biology; extensive protein biochemistry and immunologic techniques
as well as cutting edge technologies including multi-color single B cell FACS
sorting and deep sequencing will be employed in the study (Nature
Communications 9, 877; Cell, 169, 891-904.e15).

Ph.D. or MD degree and strong background in molecular biology, biochemistry,
immunology, molecular genetics, or related biological sciences. Candidates
with experiences in structural biology, bioinformatics, and NHP/mice
immunology, who are interested to extend their expertise in vaccine
development and infectious diseases research, are highly encouraged to

Commensurate with qualifications

Applicants should send their CV, cover letter (including a brief description
of research interests and career goals, and names/contact information of
three references to: [email protected]

因為這幾年她熱衷申請grant勝於招人,所以現在處於project 比人多的窘境,
以上為post doc的job description,她也願意收非PhD等級的助理,一樣可以寄CV給她詳

我很少上ptt不收站內信,有興趣者歡迎直接email CV給她毛遂自薦。

Tags: 美國

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2023-02-11T15:49
2/15工程師斜槓的心路歷程分享 (謝謝版主審核^^) 我又來介紹講座了,這次的講座是工程師斜槓的心路歷程分享。 在臉書上有人留言:是斜槓賣IUL嗎?(IUL,簡單講就是投資型人壽保險) 在美國,大小事都離不開保險:車子跟房子不用講了,機票,寵物,甚至 買手機或出遊訂飯店,都會問你要不要加買保險,那爲什麽 ...

有人辦google fi去日本跟台灣用嗎

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2023-02-06T15:43
現在用的是vz 這一兩年去日本台灣都是用台哥大預付卡加漫遊 想說要維持多門號很麻煩 打算美國主力轉google Fi 不知道有人用google Fi 去台日收簡訊講電話上網訊號還可以嗎? 謝謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my LGE LM-V350. - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2023-02-04T14:25
【過來人 Podcast】新單元! 節目內容不含商業廣告,單純經驗分享 過來人是一個關於選擇的podcast 在這裡我們會訪問在世界各地工作的台灣人,從他們的故事中去探索不同選擇,為人生創 造出的可能性。好啦! 就是個和世界各地台灣人喇低賽的頻道啦! 過來人ChatRoom 02.03.2023 - YE ...

投資省稅&收入省稅策略 LIVE講座

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2023-02-03T09:11
謝謝版主審核~~ 以前常常聽人講美國稅很高,直到開始拿W2之後才發現,真的TMD的高! 薪水東扣西扣實際拿到口袋的的錢,往往是年薪除12後再扣掉3成以上.... 最討厭的是,報完稅往往還要再補交稅?! 如果你也有跟我一樣的心情,2/8下星期三有一場綫上的講座,或許適合你! 講座内容: 省稅分兩種您 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2023-01-28T14:38
各位好,在這個版上都是海外工作或是對於出國工作有興趣的台灣人,我也曾經多次受益 於海外工作版的資訊,也因此和朋友發想並創立的 過來人 Podcast ,徵求在世界各地各 種產業中,樂意分享並有興趣受訪的台灣人,歡迎與我們聯繫。 過來人是一個關於選擇的podcast。在這裡我們會訪問在世界各地工作的台灣人,從 ...