荃勝機械徵製造工程師/品質工程師 - 工程師

James avatar
By James
at 2018-01-02T14:45

Table of Contents


[公司名稱] 荃勝機械

[職缺名稱] Sr. Quality Assurance Engineer

1. Must have working knowledge manual and programmable Quality lab testing
2. Ability to correctly read and interpret engineering drawings and able to
perform dimensional & physical inspection of iron parts.
3. Must have working knowledge of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
(GD&T) and be able to communicate this same knowledge to QA Inspectors,
production operators, and customer.
4. Provides instructions to Manufacturing Engineering for interpretation of
drawings or customer specifications to obtain product information, such as
specified material, surface finish, and dimensions.
5. Must be able to develop inspection reports for first articles and to
recommend to the production inspection plans for line-side operations.
6. Confidence in evaluating and initiating Stop Works in warranted
situations. Analyzes problems, determines corrective action and issues point
process/engineering changes as necessary to achieve Customer requirements.
7. Maintains and improves all Quality systems, manuals, and procedures,
including continual support of external certifications (ISO9001, ISO14001).
8. Maintains and improves internal quality support laboratory, SPC systems,
gauging systems, and other quality support systems.
9. Ensures that materials used and products manufactured meet all company and
customer standards.
10. It maintains the technical and professional knowledge, attending
educational workshops, the revision of professional publications, the
establishment of personal networks, participation in professional


Report to: Manufacturing Engineering Manager
Job positions that can be report directly: Quality Engineers, Technicians,
Interns, Inspectors
Number of subordinates that report directly: 1-25
Education Requirement: A Bachelor of Science in Industrial engineering
preferably or approved equal is required. Quality assurance education is
Experience Requirement: Minimum of 7 years in a quality or technical role within
in a manufacturing environment, competence on MS Office, SPC, ERP software,
Analysis and Troubleshooting (8D's), ASQ certifications (desired).
English Level: Advanced

工作地點: 廣東中山

薪資範圍: 80k /month up

[聯絡方式] 請直接將履歷寄至
[email protected]

[職缺名稱]: Sr. Manufacturing Engineer

1. Coordinates or executes engineering projects.
2. Designs, proposes and/or implements new systems of manufacture.
3. Can assign and lead a team of engineering and schedules the work flow
to facilities a continues processes as well as the successful completion of
projects. Responsible for appraising schedules the performance of the team
and recommending the appropriate development plan.
4. Can head or participate in cross functional project teams for
Continuous Improvement and/or New Product and/or Processes Introduction.
Transfer and Implementation according to the Client expectations.
5. Develops, modifies and maintains Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),
Work Instructions (WI) and Visual Aids (VA).
6. Develop and validate manufacturing processes through the study of
product requirements, research, design, and modification and testing of
manufacturing methods and equipment; interacts with equipment suppliers.
7. Analyzes and plans the use of the workforce, space and work flow needs,
and the design of equipment and space to achieve maximum efficiency.
8. Maintains production equipment through coordination of maintenance
team; According to the manufacturer's recommendations and established
procedures (SOP).
9. Apply statistical methods to estimate future and potential production
10. Design of systems and processes for the introduction of new products
or for the improvement of an existing one.
11. Start planning for equipment expenses and cost estimates for new
products / fixtures and processes.
12. Evaluate the quality criteria of the products that are manufactured
together with Quality, Production, NPI (if applicable).
13. Detection of critical operations in manufacturing processes through
the development and updating of PFMEA.
14. Participation in the implementation of engineering changes such as
Identification of projects of productivity.
15. Lead analysis and problem solving using the 8D methodology.
16. Support Process Engineering projects (OPEX).
17. Create and update manufacture video or documents as part of the
training plan for the function by training personnel.
18. Training, support and advice for new engineers.
19. Provides manufacturing information for decision making by calculating
production, labor, and material costs; the revision of production plans and
the estimation of future requirements.
20. Maintains the technical and professional knowledge, attending
educational workshops, the revision of professional publications, the
establishment of personal networks, participation in professional

Report to: Manufacturing Engineering Manager
Job positions that can report directly: Engineering Technicians
Numbers of subordinates that report directly: 1 - 4
Educational requirement: BS in engineering.
Experience requirement: More than 7 years in Production companies, statistical
analysis, proven experience on manufacturing processes. Knowledge of
Manufacturing Systems, Maintenance, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing,
Familiarized with ISO/QS std.
English Level: Advanced

工作地點: 廣東中山

薪資範圍: 80k /month up

[聯絡方式] 請將履歷寄至
[email protected]


All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-01-05T07:54
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-01-06T06:56
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-01-07T11:14
七年外派 真的QQ
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-01-07T21:55
智障學生以為四大碩畢都能年薪百萬 會被噓不意外阿
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-01-11T05:26
這家我面試過老闆人好 可惜沒回我信 就無緣了
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-01-13T20:44
一個月80K不錯 還有留公司信箱 再問清楚福利就完整了
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2018-01-16T08:46
機械慘 資電碩真的屌虐
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2018-01-18T02:30
加外派80k嗎@@? 如果沒外派80k不錯
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-01-18T16:05
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2018-01-22T17:50


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-01-02T14:12
幫朋友代問 ============= 本身是一個android開發工程師27歲,目前在軟體打滾兩年。 已經累積了些許作品和經驗,目前因緣際會下,想轉職土木行業。 �� ...

走出貧窮的學霸 谷歌AI首席女科學家李

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-01-02T12:54
看推文很多人對移民美國有很大的誤解 以為要有錢才能移民 李家實際情況沒有查到公開資訊 但那個年代很多移民都是and#34;小康家庭and#34; 所謂的小康意思就是全家資產湊一湊 剛好可以買一張去美國的單程機票 到美國一下飛機就要開始找打工 不然下週的房租會繳不出來 移民第一代的日子真的是很苦 至於為什麼有辦法移民 通常都是靠依親綠卡 靠著某個出國唸書獲得居留的親戚 幫父母兄弟姊妹辦依親 然後像粽 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-01-02T12:39
※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1QIm6exZ ] 作者: akafir (once in the bluemoon) 看板: job 標題: [問題] 收到OFFER之後被取消錄取 時間: Tue Jan 2 11:51:02 2018 故事是這樣的 12/4左右收到某上市櫃公司的錄取通知 是台幹的工作 要求我12/18繳交護照.台胞證.體健報告等相關證件 20號左右去大陸報到 ...

徵人 有效期至1/15

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-01-02T12:19
社團法人桃園市助人專業促進協會徵才 因方案擴編人力, 1.新北市成人性侵害追蹤輔導方案4名社工員 2.桃園市青少年合意方案1名社工及3名輔導員 ...

嚴凱泰談電動車 促政策一致

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-01-02T10:39
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1QIkxfAY ] 作者: nakibasara () 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 嚴凱泰談電動車 促政策一致 時間: Tue Jan 2 10:30:59 2018 1.媒體來源: UDN聯合 2.完整新聞標題: 嚴凱泰談電動車 促政策一致 3.完整新聞內文: 裕隆集團董事長嚴凱泰昨(30)日表示,行政院訂出2040年汽 ...