藝珂人事徵 Technical Support Analyst - 福利

Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-06-18T12:03

Table of Contents


【工作職缺】Technical Support

* Provide an excellent level of IT support to onsite, remote and
traveling users.
* Ensure that solutions comply with global standards.
* Maintain Disaster Recovery environment for each business unit.
* Attain sufficient knowledge of the in-house and third party applications,
in order to quickly identify and organize a solution for any related
* Manage or assist with any IT related project as required.
* Escalate problems to vendors and in-house experts when required.
* Ensure open issues are passed to appropriate staff at the end of each shift.
* Provide regular status reports to management.
* Ensure documentation is kept up-to-date and accurate.
* Ensure that all helpdesk calls and service requests are logged, processed
and monitored according to company procedures and within SLA.

* Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field.
* Current Microsoft Certified Software Engineer (MCSE) accreditation..
* A firm understanding of LAN\WAN technologies, a solid understanding
of TCP/IP networking.
* The skills to provide broadband and VPN troubleshooting.
* The ability to support personal organizers such as BlackBerry, iPad,
iPhone devices.
* An excellent understanding of Windows, mainframe and UNIX connectivity
software such as Citrix, Rumba and Exceed.


【工作時間】週一至週五 7:00-16:00



【薪資範圍】年薪600-900K, 月薪約50K-75K



藝珂人事 HAZE YU 游小姐(02-77188824) [email protected]
請將中英文履歷表(附照片)寄至聯絡人email,並註明應徵項目即可, 謝謝!
ADECCO 個資聲明http://www.adecco.com.tw/Adecco-PM-01-F01.pdf



All Comments

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-06-20T23:08

社福總盟 社福論壇第六回 青年貧窮化

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-06-18T10:26
台灣社會福利總盟 社福論壇第六回 青年貧窮化   「青年好窮,收入倒退17年。」延遲就業、培養人力資本,卻讓年輕一代成 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-06-18T08:17
不好意思,我又來了... 又多占了一個版面 因為我昨天睡了一覺又夢到一些好公司和大家分享一下 在高雄 林園地區 啞劇 這間其實也不錯 雖然底薪不� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-06-18T02:23
小弟為四大碩畢新鮮人, 目前正在為決定offer困擾著(都是口頭offer), 想請教板上各大前輩的意見,謝謝! 目前自己的想法是這樣的, 在TSMC工作的話,可 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-06-18T00:54
請教 南茂科技 與華新科技 這兩間公司的薪資福利目前如何? 請問有職場前輩知道這兩間公司狀況嗎? 謝謝^^ 目前有接到兩間公司的面試通知 --

[TI FAA Program]面試心得

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-06-17T23:53
小弟之前找工作時在Tech-Job版找到很多資訊獲益良多 因此打算來PO個心得文也算回饋一下鄉里 小弟背景是四大學碩電機剛役畢,主修電力電子 職位 - TI ...