談信用卡餐廳合作需英語佳 - soho

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2021-01-28T15:41

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有一位新加坡的Manager Sumit透過領英聯繫到我




附上他寄給我信,imgur部分是補寄的~ 給大家參考喔!



Greetings for Alliances Galore !!!

Hope you are doing well

It gives me immense pleasure to share details about our Assignment Based
Consultant Program

Here, we select an enthusiastic candidate who has a go getting attitude and
sense of achieving high goals with ethical work pattern

We represent top value and globally recognized brands, where we seek your
participation in alliance with merchants.

You will be a part of our dining campaign representing MasterCard promotion

As a part of this annual promotion you will be assigned to following
- Identifying the potential dining outlet (merchants). Predefined parameter
to follow strictly. Sharing the potential of approval if required
- Contacting (calling / meeting) these dining outlets matching our criteria.
(Initial list will be provided by us; later list can be generated through the
search engines available online)
- Sharing the details of this promotion with them, solve any questions or
queries they may have
- Enrolling these outlets to participate in the promotion by signing the
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
- Follow up of positive aspects if required
- Support outlet and back end coordination to meet mutual requirements
- Reporting Daily / Weekly activities to our office via email, Skype, zoom,
Google meet (With Mr Sumit Puri)

We will fully equip you with training, education, details, data support and
other support required

1 day training program will be reserved for you on giving entire details,
later questions and queries will be taken as and when required.

Basic per MoU payout will be $40 (SGD) with NO TARGET or qualifiers attached.
However we are keeping can expectation of at least 10 to 15 enrollments in a
month. This remuneration shall include all the expenses and no extra will be
given if you may spend on calls or travel

Amount will be released on 10th of every month.

P S – If enrolled outlets continue with the promotion with us for over 3
months / 100 days.
An additional $40 (SGD) BONUS will be given to you as a part of loyalty.
(So this makes it important to be in touch it enrolled outlets on regular

For the initial period we will be keeping your assignment work of 3 months.
After your performance analyses we may extend the assignment and continue
your contract with us

An acknowledgement of the email is required; if you accept it then you need
to reply with

1 photo identification with address proof
Correspondence email for coordination
Contact number with Whats-app for calls and message coordination
Skype / Google meet / Zoom ID for reporting structure
Bank details for transfer the payout

For any further questions, please feel free to contact us

Hoping for a long term association and wishing you a lot of success


Sumit Puri | Manager | Alliances Galore Pvt Ltd |
- 20/40 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110008 | India |
- 22 Malacca Street #04-03 RB Capital Building, Singapore - 048980 |
Skype @sumitpurii
Whats-app +919891201202

Tags: soho

All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-02-02T07:21
40太低 而且成功才有錢
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2021-02-05T02:23
同意呀 我也覺得難 但也許有人覺得簡單
John avatar
By John
at 2021-02-06T15:34
是 40 還是80 啊?

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Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2021-01-27T22:46
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Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
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