請各位幫忙看resume - 海外工作

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-04-19T15:48

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※ 引述《chihow0520 (異鄉人)》之銘言:
: 小弟即將畢業
: 請各位大大幫忙看我的resume
: 希望各位大大請提供給我寶貴的意見
: 我一直不知道要不要放上當兵的經驗,而且我好像放了相關的課程
: 可是我不這樣放的話我的resume又很空...
: 而且有些相關的課程我沒有放例如
: c++和assembly,因為當時沒學的很好,所以不太敢放,怕被問倒
: 可是我同學叫我放上去增加機會,可是我c++和assembly實在沒把握.
: 另外,我有修過cmos,教授也教我們用cadence的軟體去設計晶片
: 也帶我們去參觀過Tower Jazz Semiconductor
: 我本身也對semiconductor也很有興趣,我是不是該準備另一份resume
: 去target semiconductor這方面的工作
: 希望聽聽各位大大的意見
: 謝謝
: Objective:
: Seeking for an entry level full time job for java or digital engineering
: position.
full time job for java是甚麼意思?
: Education:
: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Expected 2012 Summer)
: Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering
: Emphasized on digital system
: Relevant Course:
: Object Orient Programming in Java Electronic Device and Circuit
: CMOS Analog Circuit C Language for Engineers
: Microprocessor Application in Process Control Control System Engineering
: Introduction to Combinational Logic Network Analysis I, II, III
: Introduction to Power Engineering TCP/IP Networking (Current)
: Introduction to Sequential Logic Introduction to Microcontroller
: Certification:
: California Real Estate Licensee
: Skill Summary:
: Technology Language: Proficient in C, JAVA, HTML, CSS, and Verilog.
: Software: Proficient in Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, Xilinx ISE
: Pspice, Matlab, and MySQL database.
: Language: Proficient in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English
: Academic Project:
: Senior Project
: - Designed a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) base
: patrol autonomous robot in verilog.
: - Created wireless controlled and provide live view stream
: to security guard.
: - Designed a graphic user interface (GUI),
: to provide user-friendly control software
: Member Management Java Project
: - Created a back-end member management MySQL database.
: The goal for this project is provide an easy access for manager to
: manage member.
: Microprocessor Application in Process Control
: - Designed a fuzzy logic controller to control speed of fan base
: on FPGA Spartan 3E Starter Kit board.
: - Designed a pulse width modulation (PWM) on FPGA board.
: Introduction to Sequential Logic Laboratory
: - Designed a traffic light application on FPGA board.
: - Designed a digital Clock on FPGA board.
: - Designed a frequency meter on FPGA board.
: Work Experience:
: Long Dragon Realty Inc. (2009-Present)
: - Real Estate Agent
: Show residential properties and satisfy customers' needs.
: Educate the knowledge of the real estate transaction for the first time buyer, and ensure the quality of the properties.
可以考慮列一些數字, 像how many customers
: Kim-Lung International Trade Inc.( 2006-2009)
: - Office Assistance
: Provided customer services, and IT support.
: Fayette class units, Taiwan Navy (2004-2006)
: - Kun-Ming Frigate Communication Center Operator
: Decoded and Encoded Morse code, and ensure accuracy and real
: time communication with Naval Fleet Command Center.

Working Experience重要的是你給公司或部門帶來了甚麼正面效應

Academic Experience可以稍微說一下你使用了甚麼技術



All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2012-04-22T22:58
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-04-23T06:50
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-04-25T07:30
加油啦~^ ^
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-04-26T09:38
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-04-27T05:32
請整句一起看:looking for full time job for "java
engineering position" or "digital engineering position"
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2012-05-01T13:41
其實沒聽過 java engineering .. 這樣講
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-05-04T20:31
大多是寫 Java software engineer position
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-05-06T06:54
java developer...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-04-19T02:34
請問一下有沒有人考過CA這個Life only insurance license exam?? 他要求要上20+12h的課程,想問一下有沒有人考過推薦網路課程 可以分享一下嗎? --


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-04-18T23:29
最近有一個工作機會是到新加坡 是做科技產業的RD 薪資大概在SG$4500/m 左右 包住和每年幾次的來回機票 工作內容也算有點興趣 身為一個�� ...

徵人 RTL design

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-04-18T10:02
幫不錯的前輩徵人 公司名稱:Volterra Semiconductor 職缺內容:RTL design 公司地點:Fremont CA Volterra Semiconductor是一間做power management ic的公司 主管是台灣人 希望� ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-04-18T07:22
借標題問一下 雖然是蠻久以前的文章了XD 小弟目前在LA, 五月準備畢業 念的是CS的碩士 想請問一下板上的前輩 有必要為了找工作而在畢業之後搬到北加 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-04-17T06:16
上禮拜五早上收到某公司的錄取消息 問我甚麼時候有空會跟我聯絡 我就說我都有空 結果到今天禮拜一了還是沒跟我聯絡 請問這種狀況正常嗎? 一般 ...