請問五大湖區產業概況及找暑假實習難易度 - 海外工作

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2012-05-29T17:02

Table of Contents







1. Optimization Of Metalcasting Design:
An advanced study of metalcasting practices and processes, foundry equipment,
casting defects and their remedies. The emphasis is placed on castability
related design optimization of casting, gating and risering systems.
Design optimization involves numerical analysis of structural, thermodynamics
and fluid mechanics phenomena involed with casting process.

2. Applied Computational Methods:
Application of the principles of production design, design of manufacturing
processes, tooling specification, and metrology. Rapid design and prototyping
and design for manufacturability are discussed. The study of advanced
manufacturing processes including non-traditional machining, assembly,
fabri\cation, and processing of non-traditional materials.





All Comments


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-05-23T13:08
◎帳  號:lmdpapala ◎暱  稱:小彥 ◎性  別:男 ◎生  日:1982 ◎台灣居所:新北市 ◎登陸日期:2011 12月 ◇公司住所:胡志明守德郡 ◇公�� ...

OPT轉換H1B 問題

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-05-23T07:24
※ [本文轉錄自 VISA 看板 #1Fl207wk ] 作者: brotherhole (洞) 看板: VISA 標題: [北美] OPT轉換H1B 問題 時間: Wed May 23 07:23:48 2012 我的OPT到明年五月中到期 最近公� ...

收到CP11 form

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-05-22T07:38
說起來也是一時粗心 報稅的時候忘記附上W2 form 發現之後上網查了一下 得知IRS會寄要求補件的通知單來 所以我也就想說等到他寄來再說 前幾個禮� ...

請問喀麥隆 肯亞 貝寧 摩洛哥

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-05-21T13:47
暑假的時候會因公到這幾個地方一個多月 上網稍微搜尋一下 發現似乎沒有台北代表處 治安也不太好 貪汙 收賄嚴重 想向有到此旅遊或是工作的版友請 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2012-05-18T12:37
不知道您所謂的 機械工程類 是指ꀊ 小的 以門外漢的角度 幫您猜一下; 機械工程類 在新加坡可以找的工作有類似: 鑽油平台? 大型機械工程 like ABB 捷運 ...